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The other side of town

Shownu opened his eyes as the sun blinded him, he groaned slowly getting out of bed stretching his limbs then cracking his back. His head is pounding, he rubs the sleepiness out of his eyes reaching for a cigarette then lighting it up. "Fuck" he puffed out checking the time on his phone.

A knock was heard "Boss! We need to talk" he heard from the other side of the door he rolled his eyes "gimme five" he slammed the bathroom door shut he showered, brushed his teeth and comb is sleek jet black hair then rubbed lotion on his toned tan body. He was tired being one of the mafia leader was never something he wanted but then again Shownu never did get a choice in anything he wanted.

"Alright what is it" he walked into the dinning room seeing several people seated. "Shownu hyung!" Jooheon smiled practically yelling "morning" Shownu said in a flat tone passing him by, he showed no emotion not now, not ever, no one really knew what the man was thinking or feeling and shownu likes to keep it that way.

"So what is this time?" Shownu sat at the head of the table taking a cigarettes out "boss, we can't find Wonho" Shownu turned to jinyoung, you could almost see the mask slipping off showing some type of worry in his eyes but quickly composed himself. "Care to elaborate?" He said. "Well he was suppose to pick up the package and report back right away but we haven't heard from him since yesterday morning"

Shownu slammed his hand down "and why I'm I just finding out about this now damn it!?" The only emotion he could ever really show is anger. "Uhh, Boss we went searching for him but came back empty...t-the package is missing aswell" jooheon said adding more fuel to the fire unintentionally of course but all he could do was  keep his eyes on the ground. "Fuck I'll go and search for him"

Shownu couldn't loose hoseok his one and only best friend since childhood and his right hand man. The worst part is that this was suppose to be his last job "what do we tell hyungwon he's been calling like crazy cus' ya don't answer him" San spoke one of his new recruits. Shownu eyes widen "shit! phones off" he needed to find answer.

"We tell hyungwon nothing, not yet. Their baby is almost due, I will find wonho" Shownu stood up heading towards his room he grabbed his phone turning it on, receiving many messages mostly from hyungown. He sighed and pressed the call back "Shownu! Thank god is Hoseok with you I've been worried crazy let me speak to him!" Hyungwon rapidly speaking.

" s' not with me he's on his mission I'll give you an update later, don't worry bout it doll" he lied through his teeth. "Shownu something not right? Did something happen? Our surrogate has her appointment with the doctor later and Hoseok never missed one" his voice broke on the verge of tears "hey, 's fine I'll have him back to you in no time... I'm sure he just got a little caught up" he hung up.

The man hated lying always one to speak the bitter truth no matter how hard it was. He stood in front of his bath room mirror seeing his reflection God how he hated himself why couldn't he be the one missing not Wonho,  he had made it, he was almost out and at that moment he couldn't stand his thoughts he punched the mirror in front of him blood dripping down his hand as he hand walked away.

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