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Shownu felt a stinging pain on his left arm, he groaned in pain. He looked up staring at San pointing the gun towards him, jooheon and jongho look dumbfounded for a second then didn't hesitate to pull out their guns aiming it towards San. Confusion set in the room "what the fuck!" Yelled shownu did San accidentally pulled the trigger? Just then the guards standing behind wonho, jooheon and jongho had drawn out their guns aiming for their heads. "Shit!" Mumbled Wonho.

"Finally" said kihyun pulling himself away from Shownu grasp "what the hell is going on?!" Yelled Wonho, suddenly he's being knocked to the ground by some person. Jooheon and jongho leaped into action but they we out numbered, Shownu about to join in until he heard some one clap, a figure entering the room "Beakho! you son of a bitch" shownu spat out. Beakho laughed his evil sarcastic laugh "well finally, we get to see each other again and even better I get to take you down and in your own home is just the cherry on top of the ice cream" he smirked, wonho kept mumbling something "oh and don't bother trying to do anything we have the whole house surrounded".

Kihyun ran towards beakho "took you long enough" kihyun smiled wrapping his arms around baekho neck pulling him down into a kiss. Shownu felt sick to his stomach, watching again how kihyun played him like a fool. Beakho laughed "ah looks like kihyun did a good job making a fool out of you once again" beakho walked towards shownu kicking his knee in. "Why don't we say congratulations to the proud parents, I had been rudely prohibited to go upstairs so I didn't get to meet the babies, it such a shame they'll be orphans and so little" kihyun smirked watching wonho.

"Leave my family alone! I'll fucking kill you" with all his force he yanked himself out of the grip of the two guards. Kihyun ran behind Beakho, Shownu yelled at his friend to stand down beakho amid the gun right to wonho forehead "make another move and I'll shoot your brains out!" Everyone froze, the mob leader and his crew where out numbered.


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