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Minhyuk had been laying on his bed typing away on his laptop, he had a research paper due tomorrow and he's so happy its almost done. He checked the time twelve in the morning, he sighed closing his laptop definitely being done for the night even though he felt tired he's still indecisive about doing a live or not. He showered and put on his favorite over size sweater and just his black briefs and started setting up for his live until he heard a soft knock on his door. He rushed to open it he wonder if it was yeosang coming to visit ever since chang has been staying with the mob leader the two have gotten closer. "hey" said jooheon standing infront of his door in all black suit. "Hi" Minhyuk looked at him in confusion jooheon eyed him up and down, the other cleared his throat "uhh what are you doing here?"

"Ah, we'll I was in the neighborhood, decided to stop by and visit a friend" he smirked and minhyuk looked away trying his best to not blush. "So I'm I that friend?" Min questioned, Jooheon simply nodded in agreement "so you gonna let me in, I brought us ramen" he lifted the bag and smiled showing off those cute dimples giving a wink, and giving Minhyuk a mini heart attack. "S-Sure" jooheon stood right in front of him, Minhyuk froze his face and ears red as a tomato he sure as hell can't hide it, then Joo gently tuck a strand of hair behind his ear (he definitely learned a few flirty tricks from his boss) and walked right in leaving minhyuk with a racing heart, bright red in the face and confused at this sudden interaction.

"Why are you really here?" Min slammed the door standing right in the middle of the small living room, crossing his arms he wasn't here for any of jooheon games. "Ok, ok I wanted to ask about changkyu? Now come and eat the food 's gettin cold." Jooheon had taken out the containers of food on the coffee table in front of the couch sitting on the floor waiting for the other to sit. ah there it is, his interested in kyunnie thought Minhyuk and for a minute he felt  ping of sadness maybe he just wishes someone would come and see him, he shook it away and smile sitting down next to him.

"I don't like him... wait well I do or I did have the tiniest crush on him when I first saw him b-but not anymore if that's what ya think boss will kill me if I ever tired to make a move, in all honesty I came to see you and to also ask if you might know what his intentions are with my boss" Joo rub the back of his neck and minhyuk frowned, so he came to see me? But is using kyunnie as an excuse he thought for moment. " I know he's nice and very friendly I just don't want him to end up hurting boss in anyway he's been through a whole lot for someone to just come and use him ya know" jooheon took his chopsticks with ramen into his mouth, Minhyuk felt like punching the guy, who does this guy think he is accusing his best friend of such a thing.

"Changkyun will never do that! He's a good hard working kid, his mother and I made sure of that, he's like my own brother if anything I should be telling you that, what intentions does a thirty year old man have with my kyunnie!" Jooheon grab the other by the wrist, for minute I'm dead thoughts swarm the blonde, jooheon definitely felt a spark ignite inside him staring at those beautiful dark eyes and minhyuk uneven blink is starting to be his favorite thing he wants to see all the time something he never knew he needed. He basically said screw it and leaned forwards to kiss him, minhyuk fought it at first then melted right into the kiss. Joo gently pushed him back on to the carpeted floor, where they both stayed kissing each other for hours never getting enough of whatever it is they were feeling for one another.

We will miss you puppy 🥺

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We will miss you puppy 🥺

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