𝕬 𝕽𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑 𝖂𝖊𝖉𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌

Start from the beginning

"G-Goodnight!" He called as I shut the door quickly. I couldn't even answer him back. I just smiled stiffly before I found myself skidding back to my room.

"Goddess get a grip, get a grip." I muttered with a pained expression as I recalled the sweetness of his scent grabbing at my resolve.

My skin was suddenly stinging to be against his once more. Silently, I tried to recall the last time we had been intimate with one another.

"Far to long for my liking." Saint growled out causing me to roll my eyes at him.

"You Sir, need to get a fucking hold of yourself. What the hell was that back in the hallway?" I hissed out as I walked over to my desk and placed my crown on top of it. That shit was literally so heavy, I feel like my neck has a crick in it. Thank fucking goddess that it was only the ceremonial crown and not an every day thing.

I undressed for the night, carefully removing each medallion and each gem from my suit as a way to distract myself from the longing.

Saint scoffed from within my head. He licked at his paws before he snuffed out an answer.

"Please, you know you wanted to go into the room and give into all his desires. I would've been happy to take him right there against the door but I'm not too fond of onlookers seeing what's mine." Saint divulged casually making my skin burn.

"I don't even know what to say to you, like I don't understand how you lack an ounce of decorum." I grumbled while shaking my head a pulling on a charmeuse night set.

"So I'm a bit of a whore, sue me. You love it." Saint shrugged making me scrunch my face in disgust.

"You know if you had a physical body instead of constantly commandeering mine, I probably would." I replied as I fell onto my bed.

"Wow, that was diabolical of you. Asshole." Saint muttered as he tucked himself away in my mind.

We fell into a silence and I felt myself drifting off to sleep excited for the prospects tomorrow will be.

"I'm getting married." I whispered aloud as a smile etched onto my face.

"Yeah, by the way, we're gonna be going into rut soon. Let's hope you get through your vows before it hits otherwise it's about to be a very lonely couple of nights." Saint smirked as he threw that news my way, absolutely blindsiding me.

"Are you fucking—"

"No, I'm not kidding. Now shut up and go to sleep. We've got a wedding to look good for and you need all the beauty sleep you can get." He sing songed before he hid away within my mind.

I hate it here.

I don't know how anyone could sleep after news like that, and yet somehow I managed to.

Surprisingly enough I woke up refreshed, despite having partied all night and waking up to prepare for another event. This one was somehow more nerve racking then the crowning.

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