"Yeah. Shopkeep was some old guy. Pulled my head off, screamed, he passed right out."

Vao spotted Jasper looking at him, his lip curling back in disgust. He didn't say anything to her. He reached into his bag of groceries, fishing out a new robe for Verde. Yin counted his money, furrowing his brow. "... I thought you didn't buy anything?"

"Didn't say that," Vao muttered. "I just didn't buy that staff. I used your money to buy Verde some clean clothes, because the clothing store was run by a goblin who knew I could take my head off."

Yin sighed, picking the steel rod up from the mattress and rising into a stand. Vao's kleptomania hadn't changed, even after so many years. He tapped it against the ground, muttering his miracle. One that he couldn't use in combat because of how much time it took; [Greater Heal].

[Greater Heal] was a miracle that was costly on his mana, but it was the most effective healing miracle he knew. He could feel his ribs mending back together, watching as Vao's back popped back into place, making the dullahan wince. Their wounds began to close, leaving behind very faint scars. He sighed, moving towards the door.

"... I'm gonna fix up the others," he muttered. "Vao... At least try to get along with Jasper."

"Keep dreaming."

Yin closed the door behind him, leaving the dullahan alone with Jasper and Verde. Vao didn't even look at the fairy, his hand holding Verde's, his thumb gently caressing the back. Jasper didn't say a word. She knew Vao hated her. She averted her gaze, sitting up on the pillow and bringing her knees to her chest.

"... I'm... I'm s-sorry-"

Vao gently set Verde's hand down, the dullahan standing from the bed. "... Fuck this. I'm going somewhere else."

Vao picked up Verde in his arms, resting her head on his shoulder and pulling the door open. He stopped in the frame, turning his head to give Jasper a cold, icy glare.

"... If I didn't have to feed my wife... Well, I'll leave it up to your imagination. Watch your back from now on, bug. You might get lost, and never be found."

He meant every word. Jasper's blood ran cold, staring at him in silence. Vao wanted to kill her. The dullahan didn't say anything else, disappearing down the hall. Yin came back a moment later, holding a mug of beer in his hand. He looked at the empty bed curiously, and then to Jasper.

"... You okay?"

Jasper nodded. Yin sighed and moved back to the bed, sitting down and setting the mug on the end table. "Vao didn't... Try anything, did he?"


Yin looked at her, his blue eyes hardening. "... He's tried to kill me before. Quite a few times. His paranoia gets the better of him. Let me know if he does anything."

Jasper looked up at him. The blonde took a sip from his beer, raising an eyebrow. "... What're you staring at?"

Jasper looked down, instinctively biting her nails. "Why... Are you being so nice to me...?"

Yin paused for a moment, staring into his mug. "... I said I saw your Reality. That means I saw your Soul," he replied after a long moment. "... You deserved a second chance. If you didn't, you wouldn't be here."

Jasper looked at the ground quietly, using her arm to wipe at her eyes. "A... A second chance," she echoed quietly.

She looked back up at him, her jaw clenching firmly. "You're... Going against the Church, right? I heard Ruby mention it."

The Bird and the Garden 3: The Final AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now