"No, no, it's around the side and towards the back, I'm sure I just messed up some ligaments or pulled a muscle." She reaches for his hand again, rubbing a thumb over the back of his knuckles.

"I'm so glad you're okay, El." Luke settles a bit, sitting on the edge of the bed beside her.

"What time is it?"

"About 2am, it's been the longest night." He admits, "I was so scared you and our girl were gone, that I'd never get to see either of you again."

"Sorry, you're not getting rid of us that easily, we're as tough as they come." She smiles softly, her eyes fluttering slightly.

"I'm so glad you are." Luke mumbles bending forward to press his lips to hers, overcome again by just how miraculous it is to be talking to her again already, to have her injuries be so minor compared to what could have been. "I love you, pretty girl. I never want to lose you." He whispers against her lips, kissing her deep and slow a few times.

"I love you too, Lu." She hums, her eyes opening again as he pulls back.

"I saw the names you added to our list for this girl." Luke changes the subject, his hand falling to the top of Elodie's bump.

"I was going to show you those after dinner. What did you think of them?"

"Atlas. It's perfect, it represents us, it's unique, it's beautiful. It feels more right than any name we've discussed." He grins.

"It's my favorite too. Atlas Blu is what I was thinking, like the Blue sky and your ocean eyes. Blue feels like our color, and it fits so pretty with the name Atlas."

"Our own little baby Blue." Luke chuckles, "I love it, so much."

"Hear that baby girl, you've finally got a name. Little Atlas Blu Hemmings." El takes her hand from Luke's rubbing it over her swollen stomach softly.

"Now mummy and daddy just need to decide if we are telling everyone you're name or keeping it to ourselves for the next fifteen weeks." Luke shifts to kiss the side of El's stomach again, "hi, Atlas, daddy loves you."

"She kicked hard when you said her name, I think she approves." El brushes her hand through Luke's curls.

"I'm on my way to wonderland, take off my suit and wonder, here for a moment, or stay for a lifetime." Luke starts to sing his song softly to the baby, somehow feeling so right in this moment with his girls, despite all that had gone down in the last few hours.

"Lu." He looks up suddenly, the tone of Elodie's voice changed to something like a weak panic. His own heart racing as he sees how pale she has suddenly gone. His hand hits the nurse call button beside her bed just as alarms start to blare.

"What's happening?" A nurse runs in quickly, hurrying to the monitors.

"I don't know, she was fine and then she went pale." Luke's voice cracks as he sees Elodie's eyes flutter unnaturally.

"She's in distress, as is the baby." The nurse sounds panicked now, fumbling for a moment with a small device sound her neck. "I have a code red in room 523. There's blood in the cath bag and she's lost consciousness. Fetus vitals are also spiking."

"What's happening?" Luke asks, moving back as more people run into the room.

"That blood is coming from somewhere, get her into an OR now. We have to find the bleeding and stop it." The doctor from earlier takes command.

"Blood type is AB+ but she's got a rare genetic mutation. Send out emergency notice to all hospitals in the area, and check local donation centers to see if they have a donor on file that we could contract. We need a miracle to find blood that will help her."

"Sir, does she have any siblings that may have her genetic blood mutation?" One of the nurses stops to ask Luke.

"The only biological family she has that we have any information on is her mother. She's due to be released from prison tomorrow in St. Louis."

"We can get her records, but I doubt that will help. This kind of mutation usually passes from father to daughter." The nurse nods. "Hold tight, we're going to do everything we can for her and the baby."

"Please." Luke nods harshly, his hand lifting to his head again.

"We'll get any news we can to you. The best thing you can do now is pray, and call someone. You shouldn't be alone."

Not out of the woods yet. Baby has a name, but does baby or El survive? Does one and not the other..? Thoughts? Predictions? Angry words for me?

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I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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