Chapter 15

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-6 Months Later-

Well here we are six months later. Olivia had worked and proved to Amanda that she really wanted the relationship, despite the back and forth she had done earlier on. She realized she had hurt Amanda deeply.

Olivia rolled over in the bed, putting her arms around her sleeping girlfriend. She knew her girlfriend was worn out. They had spent the previous night making love multiple times. This was where she belonged and this was where she was happiest. She was slowly learning not to care what people thought and to just do what made her happy.

She nuzzled her girlfriends neck and kissed her. Before gently slipping out of the bed to go make breakfast. But she didnt move fast enough and her girlfriend woke up. Amanda's eyes fluttering open, immediately feeling the loss of her girlfriends touch.

Amanda's voice had that soft just waking up sound.

"mmm baby... why you leaving? I liked having your arms around me."

Olivia giggled, leaning in and kissing Amanda.

"I wanted to get up and make my sweetheart breakfast in bed." Making Amanda blush deeply.

"Well I did work up an appetite with you last night and early early this morning."

Olivia blushed and smiled. She was happy that this was working out. She threw her robe on and went down to the kitchen. As she made her way down to make breakfast she started thinking. Thinking that this was the best decision she had made in the longest time, that being asking Amanda to move in with her. Amanda hesitant at first but ended up coming around. So far it had been the best decision. She was really happy. Hell even Olivia suggested them going to therapy together to work on things so they could make their relationship stronger and surprisingly Amanda agreed. That had been going very well for them. It helped their communication alot.

She had been downstairs making their breakfast, just enjoying the fact she had taken the weekend off for both of them to celebrate their six month anniversary. She told Fin that under no circumstances was she to be called nor Amanda. There was plenty of coverage and she wanted this weekend to be just them. Her breakfast of choice was bacon and eggs with toast and orange juice or coffee. Alot on her mind lately, one thing in particular she was thinking of. It was a lot, and big, but with how their relationship was going she was more leaning on doing it. But for now she was going to make her way upstairs to her love with their breakfast. When she got into their room she saw the cutest sight, her girlfriend still burrowed in the blankets.

"Hey sleeping beauty, your breakfast is served." she placed the lil table over her girlfriend kissing her forehead. Amanda sat up and stretched.

"Oh babe, this looks yummy. You spoil me." Olivia smiled sitting next to her girlfriend and eating her breakfast. After taking a bite she kised her girlfriend's cheek.

"Well you spoil me with love and affection. Which I hope I do as well." Amanda smiled, kissing Olivia back on the cheek.

"Yes you do. Very much so." Amanda had finished her food.

"Olivia you have made me the happiest I have ever been. I hope I make you as happy as you make me." Olivia grabbed Amanda gently, wrapping her arms around the blondes waist.

"You do Amanda. The happiest I have been in a long time. You have made me feel comfortable and accepted. I have never felt that before." Amanda smiled.

"I'm glad. It makes me happy that you are happy." Olivia turned and faced Amanda.

"I think the reason I was so back and forth was because I've known for a while it was you. Amanda I know I hurt you alot and for that I'm deeply sorry. The times we have had sex and even made love, you have loved all of me. You saw the scars and not once did you make fun of me, or make me feel any less of a woman. If it makes sense I think that scared me, and that's because you saw me as a whole, you knew they were there and are there and they didnt make you stop, they didnt make you turn away or turn a light off. You werent turned off. I really think thats what scared the hell out of me. I'm really sorry for everything and the strain I put on this relationship in the beginning."

Amanda hugged Olivia tightly. Kissing her softly once more.

"Olivia I can understand that believe it or not. You were so used to being made to believe you were a turn off for the scars. You shut yourself down. At the time I just wished you would have been more open rather than running. Let my words energize your scarred soul, you are beautiful, and your scars aren't signs of of damage to me. They are battle wounds of a battle fought and conquered."

Olivia teared up. Amanda really saw all of that in her. She was able to look past the physical appearance and see the inner soul and beauty of a person.

"Amanda I've never had someone who actually saw me, they saw my attributes I should say. You see more than just my bodily attributes. You're easy to talk to, easy to be with even after all this time. You've shown me what real love is, I've never had that from a partner. I mean you saw what I went through with Cassidy. Then with Ed. Ed wasn't so bad until he brought up retirement. That scared the shit out of me. I'm not ready for that, this job means the world to me. Not more than you but you know what I mean. You though even at all my balking never once asked me for something I wasn't ready for. You don't know what that means to me. Amanda I believe you have gotten me to really settle down. Finally."

Amanda was stunned. Still just six months in and Olivia surprised her quite a bit. They had opened up to their coworkers about their relationship and it was well recieved and their coworkers were happy for them.

"Amanda, I have a special weekend planned for us. Since it's our six month anniversary. I wanted us to go back to where we started. I booked us a weekend in NSB."

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