Chapter 14

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Amanda had taken a little ride to clear her head. It wasn't long and when she got home she texted Liv to tell her she had gotten there safely. Olivia text back quickly that she was happy Amanda got there safe and again asking her to really think. Amanda told her she planned on it.

She ended up getting changed into her pajamas and laid in her bed. Thinking. Man she had alot to sort through. All the things she told Olivia, Olivia hadn't cringed, hadn't pushed her away and that was a good thing. She was still reveling in the fact that Olivia had opened up very much her own self even telling about William Lewis and what really happened. All Amanda did was hug and hold her and it seemed Olivia just wanted that. Someone to really understand her and not pity but just be there. In a way you could say her mind was made up, she wanted to give it another shot with Olivia, she wanted to be the one who loved her and wanted Olivia to be the one who loved her.

On the other side of town Olivia lay awake in bed doing the same. Thinking. Thinking about all that she and Amanda had talked about. They had talked about an awful lot. Amanda sat and listened to the whole Lewis situation, literally just sat, listened and even held her when it got too rough with the memories. She really did have strong feelings for Amanda, wanting to progress into something real with them. She just hoped she was given the chance to do so. She knew she fucked up a couple of times but she really wanted to make it work and make it up to Amanda.

Next morning

They each had gotten a good nights sleep thankfully. Though they had loads on their minds they had still been able to get some rest and wake up refreshed. Amanda woke up and got in the shower and ready for work. Olivia doing the same. She even sent Amanda a sweet little good morning text.

"Just wanted to say good morning. Hope you slept well. I did alot of thinking last night after you left.- Liv"

Amanda heard her phone go off. She replied quickly

"Good morning to you too. I did sleep well. I think talking again last night really helped. I did quite a bit of thinking myself on the car ride I took when I left your apartment. Then more when I crawled into my bed.-Amanda"

It was odd to for Olivia to want an answer so soon. She was working very hard to prove to Amanda that she really wanted to be with her. She felt bad for second guessing it especially when she told Amanda she wanted everything with her and was supposedly all for it and then chickened out. She decided to send Amanda another text.

"Amanda- I know I'm texting alot. I hope you are hearing me out. I want you to know that I have put serious thought into everything we have talked about. I know I screwed up when we were in NSB and when we came back. I really fucked that up. I was scared and I let my fear take over, I shouldn't have but I did. I'm sorry for that. It's a decision I'll regret for the rest of my life.-Liv"

After that Amanda's phone went silent. It gave Amanda even more to think about. Even more to ponder about. She really wanted to give Olivia a chance, her heart was saying to do this. She just wanted to talk to Olivia in person.

"Liv- You texting me, shows me that you do in fact want this. I appreciate all the communication. I want to talk face to face about this. Please. -Amanda"

Olivia had gotten the message just as she got into her office. She had gone in early. Just to tie in some loose ends. It didn't take long for Amanda to show up. She was usually another early bird into the precinct. She saw Amanda set her stuff down at her desk. Then her typical go and get a fresh coffee and sit at her desk. Since Amanda had mentioned that she wanted to talk face to face she decided to call Amanda, who was standing in her doorway, in.

"Amanda want to come in here please?"

Olivia's Office

Amanda got up and headed into Olivia's office. Fixing her blazer and her hair as she walked to the door. Liv greeted her at the door, telling her to come in and sit wherever she was most comfortable. Amanda chose the couch where they usually talked to the vics on. Sitting down she watched Liv sit kind of uneasy. Still admiring the beauty that her boss and friend possessed.

"Amanda I know we have been talking, and while talking we are gaining more understanding for each other and I am enjoying that. I think it's brought us closer than we were. But I will be honest my heart yearns for what we shared back in NSB. It really does and I know I inserted foot in mouth more than once, but I am really trying and I'm sorry. I hope you can look past my mistakes and give me a chance."

Now this time Amanda was floored. She hadn't expected to come in and hear that. She had expected Olivia to ask if she had come any closer to a decision about them. Which she had. She was about to tell Olivia her decision and again Olivia floored her with feelings from the heart. She could tell they were true by the way Liv held eye contact with her.

"Olivia I have given us being in a relationship so much thought the past couple days. Infact it is all that has been on my mind. The talks we have shared, the honesty in the feelings. I do want to give us another chance. While my mind needs more convincing that we won't go through this again, my heart is winning over saying;

"it's your heart talking and give her another chance, you'll be miserable if you don't. My heart is right. I will be miserable if I choose to walk away and just keep us friends after everything we have shared and the big fact that I am in love with you. I just really hope you can keep the promise of knowing that your mind is made up and that you want an us. Cause to be honest if you turn around in the next couple days and say you can't do this. It is done, for good and it goes back to friends and coworkers. I mean that with everything I am."

Olivia looked at Amanda, with hopeful eyes. Hopeful that this could be her very chance at being happy, experiencing happiness like she had in NSB. Should she take a hold of Amanda's hand or should she just let it be? Thoughts in her head besides the words Amanda just spoke ringing in her head.

Amanda took a deep breath.

"Olivia, I've thought about it and like I said this is what my heart wants. Let's give it another try."

With that, Amanda gently cupped Liv's face and kissed her.

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