Chapter 8

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It was unfortunately time to leave their weekend behind. Neither of them wanting to go back. Who in their right mind would want to after a somewhat blissful weekend. Of course there was sex and there was admitting of true feelings. Amanda had never in her life had someone who actually came after her. She had always done the chasing. She had never been worth it.

Neither of them were really looking forward to getting back to work. Amanda was leary as when Olivia was stressed she was typically on the receiving end of Liv's ass rippings. Amanda had gotten Liv's tickets all taken care of and even got them seated together on the flight. Liv saw Amanda hanging outside looking over the balcony, she went over and put her arms on Manda's waist and rested her chin on Manda's shoulder.

"So my sweetie what's on that pretty mind of yours?" Amanda snuggled into Liv's hold, sighing she spoke.

"I don't want this weekend to be it. I want more for us. I just don't want the hell at work nor do I want to be hurt. I just can't go back to where I'm constantly on your hit list." Liv kissed her neck.

"Sweetie you won't"

The flight home was hell. Complete hell. The damn turbulence was a nightmare. Liv had started to get bitchy. It just turned out to be an awkward ride home. Amanda had tried to put her head on Liv's shoulder but for some reason Liv wouldn't let her. Since Amanda had the window seat she gave up trying to put her head on Liv's shoulder and just leaned her head against the window.

"Bout damn time, that flight had more delays than anything. Rollins you want me to give you a lift home? My car is here." Amanda's shoulders slunk down. why was she calling her Rollins? She didn't do anything to deserve that.

"Uh if you want to Cap, I wouldn't mind. If it's out of your way I'll just call an uber." Liv looked at her, she couldn't understand why she kept calling her Captain. She could see that she had hurt her yet again. As Amanda started to go and scout out an uber, she reached out to her.

"Amanda I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come off like that. I don't know why I called you Rollins, force of habit. I guess." Amanda just shrugged.

"It's fine Liv. I get it. I'm just gonna head home. You're more than welcome to come over tonight if you want." Amanda hailed her uber, as bad as she wanted to ride home with Liv she couldn't bring herself to with the attitude that Liv was giving off.

"Olivia- I don't know what happened between the hotel and our flight home. I thought we were okay? I will see you tomorrow at work. I have a long shift tomorrow. Fin text me saying he wasn't sure if you wanted him to cover you another day. But hope you get home safe and have a good night, -Amanda"

Olivia was walking up to her apartment when the text message alert went off. What did go off between her and Amanda? Was she scared of how people would react to her 'coming out' so to speak and how would they react that she was sleeping with her subordinate? She did have real feelings for Amanda, one thing she knew for sure, she needed to stop waffling between being with Amanda and not being with Amanda. It wasn't doing either of them any good and was down right hurting Amanda.

"Amanda- I honestly don't know what is going on. Me calling you 'Rollins' was a slip and I'm sorry. I know that hurt you even though you didn't show it. I was planning on taking you home. Maybe we need to talk. Maybe we need a break. I'm not sure. I know it all happened so fast and the most logical thing I think we need to do, well I do for sure is seriously think. -Olivia"

Amanda received the text. Unable to think of an answer to reply back other than okay Captain.

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