Chapter 1

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So after a long day, the SVU Squad decided to go to the bar, get a few drinks, kick back and relax. Maybe some karaoke depending on moods. Detective Amanda Rollins was game to go. She figured what the hell? She wasnt doing anything after work and it definitely beat going home and being bored and alone. Besides the rest of the squad had gotten the lieutenant to go. All the more reason for Amanda to join them. What noone knew was she had a huge crush on the lieutenant. Come on you dont get any hotter than Olivia Benson. Amanda got a lil warm just thinkin bout it.

Fin waved his hand in front of Amanda. "Hey boo, you see something you like?" Amanda smiled, giving a coy response. "Maybe." She kept her eyes on the tall, busty brunette. Fin still trying to get her attention. It was a blessing she had gotten to go home after work and shower. The case they had, the perp was shot millimeters from Amanda's face. She was covered in the blood. Was disgusting, as she was in the hot shower Fin had text her to meet up for a night out. He really wanted to check on her and make sure she was okay. He told her everyone was going including Benson.

Amanda thought as taking her shower what was she going to wear? She really couldnt wear her usual bar get ups as they were how do you politely say 'a tad trashy', but it was what she wore when she wanted to come home with company. She was a bit hot from earlier, so she reached for her toy to take care of her needs. She really wanted a certain someone but for now this would suffice. As she got out the shower, her phone went off. This time it was Benson, "please tell me you're coming. I got coerced to join the boys for a night out. Dont make me be the only female." Amanda chuckled as she read her text. 'Oh she was coming alright, but Liv didnt need to know that.' "Yes Lieutenant. Ill be there. You wont be the only female there. I'm just home getting ready."

Amanda finished getting ready. She had decided on wearing a short black tank dress and heels. Noone from work had really seen her dressed up, but she figured while goin there for a night out with the crew she could also look around at potential suitors especially if she couldnt get the attention of one in particular. That's right she was all about getting Benson's attention. The thought of her lips on Liv's and their legs tangled together, she scolded herself 'Shit Amanda quit that, you'll never get out of here if you dont.'

Amanda finally headed to the bar. Hoping she looked okay. She really wanted to impress a certain brunette. When she got there, she was the last of her crew to arrive. Olivia caught sight of her walking toward them and gave a look of relief that she didnt have to put up with the guys alone. Olivia was watching the blonde as she made her way to their table. Carisi looked over. "Damn Rollins, you meeting a hot date here?" Amanda chuckled, eyes sparkling "maybe." Liv pushed him gently, "Carisi..." He looked at Liv. "Well Lieu she does look really hot." Amanda smiled and blushed lightly. Her accent coming through when she spoke. "Why thank you Carisi." Liv shook her head at the flirting. Fin had finally come over and joined. "Hey hey Amanda, you finally showed up." Whistling as he looked at her. "Damn girl! You lookin hot tonight." Amanda smiled. "So Fin, you gonna impress us with your musical talents?" He took a sip of his beer. "Nahh boo, you're the one with the voice here. How bout you go wow us?" Manda cocked her head at him and he winked. Thinking to herself she wondered 'does he know?' Manda took a swig of her beer. "Maybe I'll go and show off my talent after I get a shot."

Amanda decided to get brazen and play footsie under the table. She got Liv a few times. When Liv looked over at her Amanda gave the look like "oops sorry". Fin knew Amanda could sing and kept daring her. "Hey Manda, I'll buy you a drink and a shot if you get up there and wow this crowd. She told him she would get up there, that she didnt dress up for nothing, she just had to pick the perfect song. He asked her if she had someone in mind that she was going to think of and she teased him by telling him real women never tell. He just laughed at him. She thought of the perfect song. Might actually tell Liv how she felt. Oh well here goes nothing she thought. She excused herself and went up to the mic and told them what to play. It happened to be "Whatever You Do, Don't" by Shania Twain.

Drinks, Friends and Karaoke Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt