Chapter 3

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The past week at work had been decent. Benson had been more understanding with Rollins. She hadnt given her as much attitude and or grief that she usually did. Amanda was grateful for that. She hated when Liv was bitchy with her. She wasnt stupid, and hated being treated like she didnt know what she was doing. But for now Rollins was content, even more so she was gonna ask Liv if she wanted to hang out like they did last week with the guys, only this time with it being just them, a girls night out sounded good and was definitely warrented since they worked with men.

Here goes nothing. She sent a text

"Hey Liv, was thinking we had fun last week with the guys. How bout this week we do girls night only? We can go to the bar, maybe to see some men dance. I for one enjoy the strippers. Let me know.-Amanda" Liv was on the work phone when she got the notification on her cellphone of a message. She quickly looked at it and smiled. Leave it to Rollins to wanna see strippers. She was game, she figured what the hell? She looked out her blinds and saw Rollins working on paperwork, she kept glancing at her phone to see if Liv answered. She figured she had overstepped her boundaries and Liv wouldnt want to hang with her subordinate one on one. She sent Liv another text

"Never mind Liv, its okay. I know we arent that great of friends." Liv shook off her stare. 'Damn she hadnt answered Amanda yet, she had stared off into space.' She picked her phone back up. She opened up Amanda's text again and hit reply

"Sure Amanda, why not. Sounds like it would be fun. A night with a friend with drinks and hot men. What could be better? What time? Will we meet or should I swing by and pick you up?-Liv" Amanda jumped when her phone buzzed near her. Fin laughed.

"What's the matter Boo? Don't tell me you're jumpy over a phone buzz." Amanda shook her head.

"No you ass, I was thinking out something else and my phone buzzing surprised me." He look at her.

"Sure Rollins, whatever you say?" He went back to work and Amanda checked her message. She beamed when she saw that Liv was game for going. She replied back.

"We can meet there, or I can take a cab to your place? We can meet at my place? Whatever is easiest for you. I know the strippers go on at like 9:30 pm, I'd like to get there round 8 so we get good seats.- Amanda" Liv looked at her phone as it went off. Hmm should she meet Amanda at her house? The bar was closer to her house. Maybe they could walk there, that way if they both wanted to drink neither of them would have to leave their vehicle at the bar. Liv text back once again. Hoping the guys werent getting suspicious of the texting back and forth. She knew Amanda could be extremely secretive so she wasnt worried bout that getting out.

"How bout I meet you at your place. We can walk to the bar and we can walk back. If need be we can take a cab? How does 700 sound? Gives us time to get walk there without being in a rush.-Liv" Amanda smiled, texting Liv a final time.

"That all sounds good to me. I'll see ya then. Gonna get this mountain of paperwork done. -Amanda Amanda continued to work on the paperwork. She got the pile down quite a bit before her shift ended. When it was five she jumped up and closed closed her laptop and proceeded to head out. Carisi looked at her.

"Damn Rollins got somewhere to be?" Amanda laughed

"Im just fried Carisi." Fin then took his turn to bust Rollins chops.

"Hey Rollins you seem like someone shot a firecracker up your ass you're so hot to get out of here." Amanda laughed again.

"I have been doing paperwork on this case for a week. I'm happy its done and I can get the hell out of here. Night boys. See ya tomorrow." She then made her way out of the precinct. Thinking to herself shit, now what am I gonna wear?

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