As requested I stepped over to the line-up of harpies and began slowly walking in front of them. When I reached the end of the line I walked back to Shimmer. Not one harpy eagle moved or did anything but tracked me with their eyes as I walked past them. After I got to Shimmer I said, "guess nobody likes me". Shimmer looked at me with a confused face. "I was sure one of the pairs would want to bond with you. This is a problem. I really need you as my eyes and ears in the skies. Well, there is nothing I can do. The bond cannot be forced. I will have to request more harpies."

One of the nymphs walked forward and asked to speak with Shimmer privately. Shimmer obliged by walking several feet away to the other side of the lake with the nymph. As they talked I noticed the nymph Shimmer was speaking with had a very different appearance to the dryad I noticed arriving earlier. This nymph was clearly a water nymph. I naiad I believe because her appearance was similar to those I have seen in the lake here in Community. Her skin was the color of the clearest water I have ever seen. Her hair was silver almost transparent with multiple shades of blue running through it. Her hair seems to have a life of its own because it closely resembles running water. Her top is tiny and simple. It barely covers her breasts. Similar to what a bikini bathing suit top looked like before there was no need for swimwear. In fact, that is a good description of the bottoms she wore as well. Over her bikini sized bottoms, she wore a sky-blue colored sheer flowing skirt that ended just below her bottom. Her sandals were similar to the dryads. They were also open toe with laces that wrapped her legs. The difference being these laces continued halfway up her thighs.

Shimmer and the naiad walked back over and Shimmer addressed all of the nymphs. "Thank-you so much for delivering the harpy eagles. You are welcome to stay in Community for as long as you would like. Of course, you can return home at your leisure as well." With that the nymphs disbursed. Some staying together and some venturing off on their own. I silently wonder how many will stay with us.

Shimmer motioned for me to come with her as she walked over to the eight harpy eagles that were still standing in a line. Shimmer addressed the eagles. "Come with me and I will show you your new homes." The eagles automatically lined up in pairs four deep behind Shimmer and I. I assume they were walking in mated pairs. I already did not like the idea of walking in front of all those beaks but here we go.

We walked across Community for several minutes before we reached the handlers area which housed the harpies' new homes. As we approached each gated area a pair of harpies was dropped off. We did this until each mated pair was in their new enclosure. The first thing I noticed about their enclosures is the ten-foot-tall walls with enormous gates that allowed the harpies entrance and right next to them the human sized doors. Next I noticed the enclosures have no sides except a fence about ten feet tall. The third thing is there is no roof. The sides appear to be to keep Community residents out not to keep the harpies in. With no roof they could fly away at any time.

There are tall trees in each enclosure to allow the harpies to build their nests the way they would naturally. In the distance I can see piles of branches, twigs, fur of some kind, and green things maybe leaves or plants under the tree in this enclosure for the harpies to construct their nests. I do not see food dishes like a pet would have or you would see at a zoo. I wonder now how they will eat. There is, however, a watering hole with a waterfall style water feature for them to drink from. I think I see a nymph sitting on one of the ledges that creates the waterfall.

As I look at the handler's area an area I do not visit often I notice my memories of going to a zoo before the apocalypse are surfacing. This is clearly no zoo but that is what it reminds me of. The harpies as well as all of the other animals here are assets that are supposed to be happy and healthy just like the rest of us. A far better environment than a zoo. Do not get me wrong. I loved going to the zoo as a child but the animals did not always seem very happy even if they looked healthy. I remember some were clearly not happy. As a child I just wanted the animal to come out of hiding so I could see it but the animal felt it needed to hide. As an adult that makes me sad to think about. In its home it felt it had to hide.

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