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For a moment, the sun was blinding. It beat down with a ferocity I hadn't been expecting compared to Earth's crisp autumn sunrise. I raised a hand to squint through my fingertips against the burning rays of the midday sun. It was uncompromisingly blinding between the emerald leaves of the overhead trees, the soft caress of warmth greeting me.

The empty reserves of my magic began to fill greedily with the flood from the Fae lands, but the link that had held taut to Leofstan now lingered like a forgotten thought. Clenching my fist, I could no longer send him magic, the link was still there but he felt a world away.


Exhaling, I slunk to sit on the floor. I had thought Leo would be annoyed when he found out, sure. But the look on his face still haunted me behind my closed eyelids. Cringing, I scratched at the dirt with a finger, gazing back towards the empty space where I'd opened a portal.

I'd opened a portal.

At least David was right about something. Cackling, my laughter dissolved into a deep belly rumble. Maybe the first one had been my fault in retrospect? Had I unwittingly caused Leo to be launched into weeks filled with torture at the hands of King Soirrinar?

I'd thought it a fluke, a result of our magic mixing. But twice?

As soon as my reserves were full again it was going to be non-stop experimenting time. If I could figure out how to summon portals at my fingertips, I'd be unstoppable.

Rolling backwards I gazed up at the new sky, laughter fading as reality set in. I may have escaped being carted off by the council, but I had no idea where in Faery I was, or when for that matter. Worst of all, with no job, I had nothing to do.

Contemplating I figured maybe there was a village nearby I could burn down or, use this opportunity in Faery as a happy accident to pretend it was my intention all along. Humming, I rocked to my feet. Although, last time I was here Unseelie King Soirrinar had requested my presence on the next full moon. He just hadn't specified which realm. And it was bound to be full somewhere.

I pushed out my wings, grinning to myself. Free meals, cushy lodgings. I just had to put up with a few mind games of a sly king. After the night I'd had, it couldn't have been any worse than going for a second round with Leofstan Ortwin.

* * *

"You can't avoid King Soirrinar forever, you know." Willow judged far too loudly. I shot her a scathing look, which she returned tenfold, whilst biting into a chunk of dried jerky. I'd not long bumped into her on the castle grounds after my arrival, and she was already plotting her fee to return to the Earth lands. There were wild portals, but the tried and tested ones were less risky. Unfortunately, they were also great profit sources for the local fae.

She ripped a chunk of the meaty flesh off. "Jesus, I'd kill for a cigarette right now. Hurry up and meet with the king already so you can get me free passage. I promise I'll come back." She nudged me with a shoulder gently. "I'm even thinking of opening a tobacco factory here. Just wrap him around your little finger and I'll be back with as many packs as I can carry." She pointed the meat jerky stick gesturing it rudely at me. "I hear the royal suites have the comfiest beds." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"You're crazy. He said it was just a meal. No doubt to see what else he can ensnare me into." I snatched the remaining jerky out of her hand. She'd been eating the things nonstop in place of no longer having something to keep her hands busy. "Plus smoking is terrible for your health. If it helps, think of being stuck here as magically assisted rehab."

"Call it what you want, he's asked you on a date." She snatched it back, shoving it into her mouth. "And it's torture here, more like," Willow muttered, mouth full.

Dangerous Diabolical: Book 1 (Iridescent) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now