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There was a groan of protest from the floor at my words. The whites of Leofstans eyes were showing, a sheen of sweat gathering on his forehead as he desperately gave me a quick shake of his head. Was that meant to mean I was wrong? Or I was right and shouldn't say anything? I pointedly ignored him, holding my hand up to the crowd.

"You will find he is undoubtedly linked to me, and therefore, mine." My voice was a lot more confident that my brain.

The pale-haired king gestured to a robed Fae below him, who after debating warily, approached me. Slightly shorter, the creature smelt of magic and herbs. It pointed up at my hand questionably and upon receiving it, sent a small jolt through my arm.

Leofstan, under the net, gave a sudden yelp. My face tried to twitch into a smirk at the grunt of pain and it took every level of control I could muster to stay stoic.

"Satisfied?" I demanded, trying to sound annoyed whilst fighting my cheek muscles for dominance.

"My lord," the creature warbled, "it is true." The court gasped, breaking out into hushed tones

The king did not speak until there was silence again.

"How disappointing." He drawled, "Due to this misunderstanding, your slave has taken up an extraordinary amount of our time." With a wave of his hand, two figures ran forward to grab the net. "It is rather inconsiderate to expect others to clean a mess because you own something you cannot control." The net was tangled in Leofstans limbs and was taking some pulling to dislodge. The guy hissed in pain.

"As inconsiderate as a court that doesn't check if they might be injuring someone else's property?" I snapped, then winced as I saw how mangled Leofstans leg was. I'd bitten limbs that looked in better shape. "This is going to deeply set back his productivity." Net removed, the sorcerer lay panting on the floor, limbs sprawled awkwardly. As he was completely butt naked, I grabbed a forearm to pin him steadfastly in place as it seemed the most impersonal option.

If Soirrinar wasn't still talking, he was plotting. He swung his legs to sit upon his throne normally, clasping the armrests. "It seems we are at an impasse. You have wasted our time, and in return, now yours will be wasted."

I kept my face neutral as I tried to process the obvious, and not-so-obvious message behind his words. Mainly I figured he was trying to get out of being in any sort of debt to me. Having a Fae in your debt was a powerful move, let alone a king.

Not likely I'd let that boon go anytime soon. "Your two weeks hardly compares to the time I'll be set back whilst his weak earth-bones recover." I gave Leofstan a shake to exaggerate the claims and he helpfully tried to muffle a whimper, sounding excellently damaged.

The king placed a hand on his chest, face painted with sorrow. "You are indeed correct, " Wait... what? "Please do return next Lunation where I will personally ensure you are compensated fairly."

The crowd watched me expectantly as the pit dropped out of my stomach. I'd fallen right into Soirrinar's trap. To decline a request from a king was to offend him and his subjects. But to accept his offer I'd need to return for his 'compensation'. His handsome face twisted into a gleeful smile. He knew he'd caught me.

"I will hold you to your promise," I replied dryly. Leofstan, this was all your fault. I should have told Grahame where to shove it and left you here.

Beyond annoyed, I turned without another word, dragging Leofstan by his arm out of the courtroom and leaving blood smudging along the floor. Creatures jumped out from the crowd and began licking eagerly at the stones.

"Portal," I demanded to the guards outside the room, who sent me back towards the way I'd come earlier. Leofstan was silent and from the lack of snide comments, there was a good chance he'd passed out. He was getting a faff to drag, so I put a bit of strength into hoisting him over my shoulder for the remaining march down the corridor. "You couldn't just leave it alone." I moaned to him. "Oh no, Leofstan has to know best. I warned you it might not be what you were expecting." Reaching the room I'd entered, two spell casters were working hastily to remove the coating that closed the portal.

Dangerous Diabolical: Book 1 (Iridescent) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now