Forlorn Prince-3

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It started with a question. The way it always does.

"Do you believe in fate?" Blake heard as he stood there looking at the crack of dawn. Brilliant gold and orange hues bled like fire in the east over the rivers and beyond the city. The first slither of the sun peeked over the skyline in a radiant, white form. Gradually it raised, a defined circle in a vibrant backdrop. The rivers were liquid gold and silver, leaving the mighty City dull in comparison. As the sun fully revealed itself it seemed to swell, losing its focus and spreading in contrast to his contracting pupils.

"No", Blake found himself replying  looking at the girl beside him.An easy breeze picked up and lifted to his vantage point, caressing her face and softly blowing loose strands of her hair.She looked, lost in the awe of everything. her long hair flowing with the wind. The girl looked nothing like Sarah, but Blake was sure that it was her.

"Why not?" she asked casting her bow and arrow, looking ahead, her muscles tensing.

"Because I don't want to believe that something out there controls my actions", he replied, unsheathing his sword, going ahead to fight.

Everything turned black , he couldn't see anything and he felt like he was bound in chains, but the chains covered his whole body.

For a moment, the world was a blur of dull colours. Then, as he properly awoke, everything came into focus. No shackles were tied around his ankles and wrists, none that he could see.

He tried moving, but it felt impossible to move, somehow, even his powers didn't seem to be working.

"Remember! What do you do if you get captured in war?" a part of him said while the other part was too busy panicking and deciding between screaming or screaming.

Suddenly, his battle instincts kicked in.Observe, he answered. He looked around. He seemed to be in a room, completely white with a lot of people in lab coats; he looked around to find a lot of different creatures in it, each of them having a different type of cage. One of them, screaming as the white coat guys did something to it.

"I've been through worse". Kate had said. Was this what she was talking about?

Ghost sample missing was logged onto the computer.

So they didn't know that he was here...He could use that to his advantage. Not that he had many advantages.

"Deep breaths", he heard himself saying. He had to remember...Something

He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths.

Sarah opened her eyes, taking deep breaths. The first thing that occurred to her was that it opening her eyes didn't help at all, since it was too dark to see anything. The second was the scent. It smelled, natural, and nothing synthesized like the colognes in the market or anything else she had ever smelled. She was sitting in some sort of a soft armchair.Her mind felt fuzzy.

"It is a Chrysanthemum, a flower, white, originally found in China, it symbolizes truth, you know ...",a voice came from her left, it sounded familiar ,like she had heard it today....

"Please let her go. I take full responsibility for her actions, I promise ..." she heared the voice that was definitely her fathers.

"Don't worry; we are not planning to do anything just yet. Though we can't just let her go after the stunt she just pulled", said the voice. Now that she was partially aware of her surroundings, she knew the voice, "Sam?" she said, surprise evident in her voice.

Sam stopped midsentence while talking to her father and she felt her eyes on him. Then she felt some kind of goggles, which she seemed to be wearing, being removed. She blinked a few times and looked around.

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