Forlorn Prince-1

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Kate got up after two days and found Blake sitting on her spot . Sipping coffee? "BLAKE", she yelled and he dropped his coffee right on his pants and on her spot.

She hated this.Having someone else with her. Having someone around meant sharing and it also meant things like him destroying her spot.

Blake looked at her; "You're awake..." he beamed. He sprung from the couch and almost came to hug her. She jumped back, pushing him away before they could touch.

"Blake what is wrong with you? What are you doing here? I thought I made it clear on the first day never to enter this room and never to touch me", she said brusquely. Blake looked at her,confused.

"You don't remember?" he asked in disbelief.

"Remember what?" she snapped looking at her spot. The only reason she was not strangling him to death ,or whatever would happen to them if they got strangled,was because she was certain she was forgetting something. He looked at her stupefied.

'She is letting me speak?' was written all over him. 'I should speak while I can', she read him as he started speaking.

"You were injured....Two days ago", he explained. It was like a domino fell in her mind and there was a chain reaction, and after all the dominoes fell, they formed just one sentence. Blake saved her. She gritted her teeth and looked at him.

'She can stay quiet this long....impressive', was written all over his face.

What exactly did he think of her? Suddenly, she fell from her position in the air and her feet touched the ground. There was a light throbbing where she had been stabbed but that was it.

"I've been through worse", she told him and went towards the coffee maker, where she noticed, there was a cup for her.

She hated this...Kindness...It was people like him that she hated the most.They left an impression on her, through their eyes, she saw the beauty in the world but in the end, all of them left her.All alone to fight against other people, while carrying their memory, knowing that they won't come back. She didn't take the coffee. Passing it, she filled a glass of water for herself and drank it. She still felt weak.

"You couldn't have...." a whisper came from behind her back.

"You almost blinked out of existence", Blake mumbled. She visibly stiffened.Okay maybe not worse.... She turned around, looked at Blake.

'I was worried', she read him.

A part of her wanted to shout, 'What makes you think I want to keep existing...Maybe blinking out of existence is exactly what I wanted'.

The other part decided to stay quiet. It must have been hard on him.Living a life thinking there was something wrong with him, when in fact, he was just different. When he finally found his kind,she started blinking out of existence.She decided she didn't want to know the details of how exactly he saved her. She went ahead and took the coffee and started sipping it.

"Oh, seeing that you have entered my room there is only one thing you should not do......Don't sit on my spot", she ordered."If you do, I will kill you" Blake could tell she was serious about that threat.

"What spot are you talking about?" Blake laughed. Kate pointed to the place where he spilled his coffee. Then started cleaning it. Blake hated that she could use telekinesis while Blake still needed wind to move objects. 'What ridiculousness', Blake thought.

"It is the singular location in space around which revolves my entire universe." she said Blake looked at her questioningly.

Sarah's great great grandmother had given a series to Sarah's grandmother who gave it to Sarah."THE BIG BANG THEORY", it read. Sarah loved the series, so did Blake. It was hilarious and Blake was sure that was what the character named Sheldon Cooper says about his spot on the sofa.

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