Believe it because its true

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It took Blake a month to get to terms with the fact he was, indeed, a ghost. He was grateful about that. He had always known that something was wrong with him, now he knew exactly what it was.

His thoughts drifted to what he had learned in the past month, Since it was a lot and they had been the best weeks of his life.

He truly questioned what people say; the more you get to know somebody, the more you start liking that person.

But in his case it was the exact opposite.

There were little things he had learned about Kate, like she was the only ghost in this world other than him, that she hated being interrupted when she was talking and she never stopped talking. She spoke an infinite deal of nothing all the time.

I mean seriously, sometimes, I just want to tape her mouth or something, he thought smiling to himself.

She hated walking on the ground, it was usually the ceiling or she was floating. Somehow, she preferred upside down. But scaring Blake might also be a motive behind the last part.

She also insisted Blake went to school every day, "It'll keep you human", she said.

Though he suspected that she just wanted him out of her way.He didn't mind.He got to see Sarah every day.

She hadn't really seemed interested on when he died, but she insisted that he at least tried to remember his past.

"What do you exactly remember?" she asked

"Ummmmmm...... I remember I love Sarah... ", he mumbled ,looking down at his shoe, as he dug in his toe, and pushed around a pile of dust. . Yeah,the library was that dusty.

"That's it?" she grilled floating around him.

"Ummmmmm..... I remember being popular and I remember a bunch of girls liking me...... But I only ever loved Sarah", he whispered. He could see that she was getting annoyed. He would be too. He just realized how uninteresting his life had been.

.... How stupid, he thought, to have lived my whole life ,whoever he was, loving someone who never noticed me..... How..... Pointless....

"It's not stupid", she said.

"You can read minds now?" he asked her. In the past weeks she had shown him a lot of things he could do and had been amazed at how fast he had caught up to her.

"You are easy to read", she stated.

It was her theory, we can read anything..... Muscles, locations, buildings, even the stars. Something he couldn't see.

He didn't say anything. Not even a peek.

"How long did this take you? And how exactly did you get the idea? ", he asked, "Reading stars I mean"

She shrugged and mumbled stuff. About half an hour of unsuccessful listening later, he tuned her out. Concluding, she had a lot of time in her hand.

"..... Sarah seems in the middle of it...." she said and he stopped her with a "WHAT?"

She looked shocked at first, then she smiled."You should listen", she said smirking.

He sighed and realized there was no point asking. She was not going to answer, but that meant this was his chance; she was finally quiet even if for a little while,

"Soooooooooooo... Kate, tell me about your past.... What do you remember?" He beamed.

A dark look crossed her face, but then haughty Kate was back with a vendetta.

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