"Thank you so much for this night, it's the best I've had in a while..." he said.

"Same, tha-" you started but he threw himself to the water, taking you along with him with a screech. "George!!" You said, coming out for air. "This dress isn't mine!"

He laughed and swam towards you, combing his hair with his fingers. His white shirt was sticking to his chest, showing every fibre of his toned body. His smile was more mischievous and charming than it ever was before.

"You can always take it off," he said.

"Cheeky bugger."

"Had to try," he shrugged and served you champagne.

"What made you think you'd get so lucky? You're the champion I know, but I'm not sold for a shiny trophy..." you smirked.

"And for a wet shirt?" He asked.

You laughed loudly and splashed some water at him before jumping to sit on the edge of the pool to have some fruit. "Once you retire from driving, please tell me you'll stay as part of strategy and mentoring because you're good at negotiating too..."

George giggled and went to sit next to you. "I can't tell if you're being serious or you're just trying to change the subject."

"Both?" You chuckled.

"Why? I think I'm not being too forward, am I?"

You looked at him and sighed. "Nah, you're not. It's just me..."

"Want to talk about it?"

"Don't want to ruin the mood..."

"You're here with me, nothing could ruin the mood..." he said and took your hand.

You smiled at that and laced your fingers with his. "This, I'm a bit confused because we're supposed to be working together and all I want to do is hang out with you, all the time. I look forward to our meetings more than anything else because I get to spend time here and chat with you and have dinner or even go out for a run. And we're supposed to be just working in my office and attending events with me in the shadows and not there as your date! Not- not that it was date, but- but you know, I mean there as in, being your... your plus one..."

He smiled at you and kissed the back of your hand. "Call it what you want, whatever name you put to this night won't change anything about it... and you're not a 'plus one', you're my PR agent, my friend, my saviour," he said seriously, making himself clear. "And if I have to confess too, I look forward to anything that has to do with you so much, that Aleix is jealous of you, I'm not kidding!" He said when you laughed. "He was protesting because he wanted to have dinner after the workout and I told him that was your time!"

"My word, George you have to make time for him too, he's a vital part of your team!" You covered your face in your hands. "Now I know he hates me!"

"He doesn't hate you, silly! He's just used to be my primary team member but I have you and all I do is talk to you, he just has to get used to that..." he said, trailing off, watching the water.

You used the moment to slid off the edge and grab his leg to pull him with you to the water. He screamed and fell, coming out laughing and looking for you. You squealed and swam away until he caught you and threw you over his shoulders, walking to the stairs of the pool and jump.

"George the food!" You yelled but it was too late, he jumped and the food drowned along with the bottle of champagne. "Look what you've done! I'll have to buy a new dress for Kelly now..."

"Tomorrow we go and get her a dress like this one," he said and got out of the pool, offering his hand. He saw the idea of pulling him in right in your eyes. "Don't you dare, I'm about to make tea and take out some scones to watch the sunrise together, don't get on my bad side..."

You nodded seriously and took his hand, pulling him with you once again with a big laugh. "Ohhhhh I'm on your bad side now, I'm scaaaaaaaaared!" You laughed.

He just watched you laugh and giggled with you, then raised his hand and stroked your cheek with the side of his hand and you stopped laughing, just to watch him intensely. He did it for a few more seconds, until he had you right in his palm. Then in a swift moment he slid his leg under yours and tripped you, making you slip and fall.

When you came out, gasping, he was laughing already out of the pool. "That wasn't nice but it's what you get! Now let's go, I will lend you some clothes so we can have that tea."

After drying, you were seating with a steaming cuppa on the sofa of George's bedroom balcony, ready to watch the sunrise finish. You both had robes on, but you got yourself a big Mercedes tee and some shorts you made yourself fit in.

He was sitting on one side of the sofa, with his back to the armrest, while you did the same on the other side. You had your feet entangled and sometimes played footsies just for fun.

You saw George looking towards the sky, in serious thought and you couldn't help but take a photo of him.

"Like what you see?" He said softly.

"Just immortalising such a view, you can post the thirst trap after," you smirked.

"I rather keep this one for me," he said and sat closer to the middle. "Come here and get a photo of both of us."

You did as told and set the timer on your phone, setting it against one of the mugs on the table as you posed for the photo with your faces next to each other. You both checked and it was quite nice.

"Did you know about the photographer that went to jail?" George asked. You smiled, because you knew it was one of his puns. You turned to him quickly and said at the same time "he was framed!". You laughed out loud and then stopped, looking at each other again and bursting into laughter once more.

Then both stayed silent, very close to each other, and looking at one another softly. "This is one of those confusing times, isn't it?" He asked in a whisper.

You swallowed but never stopped watching him. "Definitely..."

"Could we...?"

"George, please, don't make this harder than it is..." you sighed.

He placed his big hand over your cheek, interlacing his fingers in your hair. "Just this once, let us have this..."

You were about to protest, when your own hand involuntarily cupped his neck. "Just once, George, just once..."

"I know," he said, before kissing you so decidedly and firmly you forgot for a moment who and where you were. His lips were the perfect amount of soft and his movements seemed calculated, but not premeditated like, but in a way of him just knowing what you needed. You took a breath through your nose and just kissed him some more. If this was to happen just once, you'd make it last as long as possible. George seemed to think the same, because he came closer and opened his mouth a little, to let the right amount of tongue in.

You knew this would lead to nothing more, but the way those lips, those hands and that man, only that man could make you forget about everything else was wonderful. If his hugs put all your pieces inside you together, his kisses fixed them together forever. You stroked his hair with your fingers, wishing it didn't have to end and that you could always live in that first kiss.

Eventually, you both pulled out reluctantly and stared at each other's eyes for a while, just communicating. You both sighed at the same time and giggled softly, as you snuggled yourself on his chest and he covered you with his arm as you silently watched the sun come up.

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