Destiel ~ Hunger Games Part 3 (Au)

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"I wanted to see if they were comfortable!" Dean turned redder than a baboons butt.

"Guys, it's nightfall, let's go." The group ran with thee things to the cornucopia, sitting on top of it after a difficult climb. It was about 20 feet up in he air. They night air was chilly and they all opened their bags. Warm jackets, food, water and matches.

"We lucked out." Cas whispers.

"Yup." Dean agreed as a piercing scream rips through the air and another cannon goes off. Benny was dead.

"Wait, I just realized, I'm the only girl left in the game!" Charlie exclaimed.

"It means you're the best." Dean assures.

"HELP ME!!! HEL-" another cannon to signify Balthazar was dead. The group huddled together, staying away from the edges. Growling got closer as they saw a hand reach the top. Gadreel had made it, but he lost his footing and screamed falling to his demise.

"Oh, so close." Gabriel flinched.

"Hey Charlie, Gabriel, who did you two have as roommates?" Cas asks.

"Oh, I had Jo." Charlie smiled, then her smile faltered. "She was a sweet girl, she did deserve what she got. None of them deserve what they got." Charlie looks at the sky and then at her hands.

"I got Balthazar. Very annoying." Gabriel says simply. They all fall asleep, hoping no one falls off to their death.


When morning came, a voice boomed through the speakers.

"There can be only one winner." It was metallic and cruel, urging them to murder. Dean stood up.

"Can't you see? These games are pointless. Districts, riot, stop this! No one deserves this fate! No one!" Dean screams.

"Dean, remember our plan?" Gabriel questions, handing everyone berries.

"These are poison berries." Cas registered.

"We all win, or we all go down in flames." Charlie smiles.

"Together." Cas agreed.

"Together." Dean whispers. They all started bringing the berries to their lips, knowing that no one cared if they died. But, before the berries could touch their lips, a metallic scream was heard.

"No! There are four winners! Four winners! The hunger games are concluded!" It screeched. The four dropped the berries as a helicopter flew in.

"I can't wait to get home." Dean sighs.

"We'll be outcasts. All are secrets were unveiled." Gabriel comments.

"I'd rather be an outcast together, than to be normal and not have you guys." Dean smiles. The helicopter landed, and they all got inside.

"I knew you'd make it!" Savannah was on the copter, hugging the winners.

"So, what do people think now that we won?" Dean questions.

"You just have to wait and see. We travel to every district together, then we get you moved into the capital." Savannah smiles.

"I call your place." Charlie winked.

"Tone it down a little." Savannah smiled.

The district tour....

The tour started with District 1, where Cas was from. When he got there, it was all applause. They were happy he was alive. He waved shyly at them and his family was kind, saying hi to Dean and threatening to kill him if he broke Cas' heart. The usual.

The next district was district 7. They accepted him mostly, the fact he fucked a teenager was a bit weird to him, but they were fine. Lastly was district 12.

The district welcomed them with opened arms. But Dean's family, rather, his father was pissed, not caring who was watching.

"Glad you're okay." Sam smiled, waving at Gabriel and hugging his brother.

"I'm glad I'm alright to. I missed you kiddo." Dean smiled. People kept saying aw.

"I'm not proud at all. You're gay?" John scoffed.

"So? Shouldn't you be glad that I'm alive? Breathing? Happy? Wait, that's a foreign concept to you asshole." Dean hissed.

"Don't you dare talk to me that way! I'm your father!" John growled.

"A poor excuse for one! No one should yell at their kid. No one should want their kid dead. No one should ever hit their child. No one should blame their mother's death on the child. In my eyes, you are not my father. And Sam is no longer staying with you." Dean snapped, pushing Sam to Gabriel who held him.

"You can't do that." John scoffed.

"He can since he turned 18 yesterday, legally allowed to take custody of the child." Savannah smirked.

"Goodbye." Dean pushed John and went back to Sam, the district glaring at John as the tributes got back in the train.

"Hey," Cas scooted over to Dean, taking his hand,"I love you." Cas smiled. Dean smiled back.

"I love you too." Dean kissed Cas' forehead and put an arm around him.

"So, I'm going to live with Gabriel if that's okay." Sam says suddenly.

"Uh, not a chance sport. Four more years than maybe." Dean replied.

"Aw! Come on!" Sam pouts.

"Dean, I'll take care of him." Gabriel promised.

"Fine, but if I see you harm him in any way, I will kill you. Got it?" He questions.

"I got it." Gabriel nods.

"Good." They all seemed content, living happy lives. The hunger games was canceled due to rioting and refusal to kill anyone, it collapsed on itself. The capital fell and cities blossomed, Savannah, Charlie, Sam, Gabriel, Dean and Cas being the leaders. Finally, a damn happy ending.


A/N: Ta Da! I need sleep.

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