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When I was in the car I must have fallen asleep because now I'm in what I'm guessing is Trinity's house, inside a bedroom, laying on a bed. I wondered how I got her; I then got up and opened the door. I stepped out into the hallway and walked down it, I ended up in the kitchen. Trinity, Devin was both standing there. Devin looked like he hasn't been touched at all; I then ran up and hugged him so tight. I then asked,

"How are you home? Why do you look like you've never been touched?"

He then asked,

"What are you talking about?"

I then said,

"You, you got shot from my dad. You were in the hospital."

He laughed and said,

"You must have had a bad dream baby."
I thought to myself, could I have dreamt all of that? Suddenly a little girl came in the kitchen and hugged Devin. She looked like she was about five or six, suddenly I heard Trinity say,

"Silly Cadence!"
I then said,

"Cadence? How if she so big? She was just a baby!"
Devin then said,

"Baby, are you feeling okay?"
I then said,

"Yes! What is going on? Yesterday Cadence was a baby, and you were shot in the chest from my dad!"
He then put Cadence down and felt my forehead, and said,

"I think you may be running a fever. I think I should take you to the hospital."
I then shouted,


Suddenly my dad came in through the sliding back door and asked,

"What's going on in here?"
I then shouted,

Devin then shouted,

Suddenly I fell to the floor. I guess I passed out because the next thing I knew I was in the same bedroom I woke up in. I knew it was a dream though. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. Trinity was on a chair crying, I then asked,

"What's wrong!?"
She then said,

"Devin's okay, don't worry. I'm just worried about him that all."
I then asked,

"How long have I been sleeping? And how did I get to that bedroom also?"

She then said,

"You've been sleeping for about four hours, and my husband Charlie carried you inside. I told him to because I thought If I woke you up you probably wouldn't be able to go back to sleep."

I then said,

"I had a terrible dream."
She then asked,

"What about?"

I then said,

"I woke up in the bedroom I was just in... I didn't even know I was dreaming yet. I walked out here in the kitchen and you and Devin was standing out here. Devin looked like he had never been touched. When I told him what I thought was a dream at the time he said that it was just a dream. But, suddenly a five year old girl came in here and it was Cadence. Then, my dad was there too. I shouted at him to stay away from me, and then suddenly I passed out and woke up here."
Trinity then said,

"I'm so sorry; I can't imagine how you are feeling right now. I mean I'm upset about Devin and the fact you went through that, but I just can't imagine how you must feel because you were there; it all happened to you, you witnessed it all."

Suddenly I heard my ringtone go off. I followed the noise and my phone was on the counter, Trinity handed it to me and said,

"I found it in your house when I was looking for you, I figured you would want it, and I charged it."

I answered the phone, the person on the other end said,

"Hello, this Lilly, a nurse at Mexico city hospital. Is this Nichole Grant?"
It was the nurse from the hospital, I then said,

"Yes, this is she."
The nurse then said,

"I'm going to be real honest with you sweetie, Devin is in bad shape. BUT, that doesn't mean he won't make it. But, I am calling because Devin asked for you."

I then said,

"Okay, I'll be right there."
Trinity then asked,

"Who was that?"
I then said,

"Um... the nursery place where Cadence is at. They need me to come get her right away. Do you think I could borrow your car?"
She then pulled the keys out of her purse and handed then to me. I then said,

And ran out the door.

When I reached the hospital I ran inside and into his room. The nurse was there she then said,

"He's got a little worse since I called you; we have taken the tube out of his mouth so he can kind of talk to you."
I nodded and walked passed her. Devin had a big smile on his face when he saw me. I then asked,

"How are you smiling?"
He then said,

"Because an angel just walked into my room."

I smiled and said,

"You better mean that in a good way, and not a dying and going to heaven way."
He laughed and said,

"I love you."
I then said,

"Devin you're going to make it."
I was starting to cry now; he then grabbed my hand and said,

"Nichole, you are beautifully broken, I can barely see the flaw, especially from a distance, which always makes me fall."
Suddenly, his heart rate monitor was beeping, I started panicking. I yelled out,

The nurse and the doctor came in and tried to revive him. I was pouring my eyes out. I was so terrified. About five minutes later the doctor walked over to me and said,

"I am terribly sorry, I tried everything I could."
I broke down crying. I collapsed to the floor. My whole world just came to crash. The nurse was trying to help me up, but I started kicking her. I screamed out,


Suddenly I felt a sharp pain go in to my shoulder, and collapsed back down to the floor.

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