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When I woke up I was lying on our bed, my arm was bandaged up. I then sat up and saw Devin sitting at the edge of the bed. He turned around and came over next to me and said,

"Does it hurt any baby?"

I then said,

"No, I got used to cuts on my arm... H-how did I get this bandage on?"

Devin then said,

"Nikki I'm so sorry I kept judging your dad. I know you just want to have a father daughter relationship with him and I just keep getting in the way of that. I'm going to be honest though, I don't really know him, and honestly just by the way he's been presenting himself I just don't really trust him. But, I will have to learn to live with for you."

I then said quietly,

"Where is he?"
He said,

"He left after he bandaged you up; he said he had something urgent to take care of. But, I just think... Never mind."

I smiled and asked,

"What about Cadence?"
He then said,

"Sleeping like an angel."

I smiled and leaned in toward him to kiss him, we started making out. I then took his shirt off and began to make out again. I suddenly broke the kiss and asked,

"Did you ever get condoms?"

He then said,

"No, you were pregnant so it wasn't like we needed them."

I then said,

"I would... But we already have one child; I don't want another till we are at least married."

He laughed and said,

"I could totally make that happen right now."
I then smiled and said,

"Then what are we waiting for?"
He laughed and said,

"Well Cadence is taking a nap, so I'm pretty sure we would have to wait till she wakes up."

I smiled and said,

"I'm just kidding baby."
He leaned in closer and said,

"I'm not; I really want to marry you. I want to marry you as soon as possible. You are everything to me, and all I want is to spend the rest of my life with you."

I smiled and kissed him, when I broke the kiss I said,

"I always dreamed of a big wedding though, like what about your parents, and all of your family?"
He smiled and said,

"I guess we would have to just call and let them know."

I laughed; Devin leaned in closer and said,

"Marry me. Marry me tomorrow, so my family can have enough time to get here. Please say yes."
I thought for a moment, I always did dream of a big wedding, and I know this one won't be. But, honestly I don't care, I love Devin more than anything and I just want to spend the rest of my life with him. I then kissed him and said,

"Well, you better get to making phone calls babe."
Devin then asked,

"Really? What about your dream of a big wedding."
I then said,

"I dint care none of that matter to me anymore. You and Cadence are the only things in my life that mean something to me, and besides my mom crushed all my dreams a long time ago. Now you and Cadence are my only dreams."
He smiled and kissed me. When he broke the kiss he said,

"Looks like I'll be making phone calls all day."

I laughed and said,

"Well I'll have to go get a dress."
He smiled and said,

"Okay I'll come with you."

I then said,

"Are you crazy? For one that is VERY bad luck to see the brides dress before the wedding, and besides that you have to stay here and make phone calls."

He laughed and said,

"Well who's going to give you advice on what you should get?"
I thought for a moment and asked,

"Is Trinity in town?"
He smiled and said,

"When isn't she? And I'm really surprised you would pick her."
I then said,

"Trinity's been in town, but hasn't seen her niece? And why not her? I mean we are getting married I should try and get to know her. Who knows, maybe we can be best friends, and she can tell me all your embarrassing secrets."

He laughed and said,

"Okay, first of all don't listen to a word she says about what I named my dick when I was younger and secondly she's always in town for work, but she's always so busy."

I laughed and asked,

"You named your dick?"
He laughed and said,

I then said,


He smiled and said,

"Okay, I was ten and I named it Woody."
I laughed hared than I should have and asked,

"Woody...? Devin I love you."

He laughed and said,

"You better call Trinity before it gets too late."

I then said,

I went over to the phone and picked it up and called Trinity. When she answered I said,

"Hey Trinity it's Nichole."

Trinity then said,

"Oh hey! How are the twins doing?"
I then said,

"Give me a minuet; I have to ask Devin something."
She said,


I put the phone on mute and asked Devin,

"You never told her about the second one not... making it?"

Devin looked up and said,

"Oh, I'm sorry baby with everything that went on I never got to tell her."

I then said,


I was about to take the phone off mute, but Devin said,

"Here give me the phone I'll tell her baby."

I nodded and gave him the phone. I walked away for a minuet so I didn't have to hear Devin tell her. I walked into the kitchen, I could feel myself about to cry, I tried to hold it back though. Suddenly Devin came over and asked,

"Are you okay babe?"
I nodded. He was off the phone now and I nodded. He then said,

"She said she's on her way over, she was almost crying when I told her the news."
I then said,

"Me and her both."

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