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I walked into class and sat next to Carlie, She passed me a note that said, "What did he want?" I wrote back, "Nothing, he just apologized and asked if we could be friends." She wrote back, "AND... WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" I couldn't tell Carlie that I told Devin we could be friends, nor could I tell her we are supposed to hang out, she would be beyond pissed. So I wrote back, "I said no, but I told him I wasn't mad anymore, I am over you, and we could be okay." She read it and gave me thumbs up and crumbled the paper up in a paper ball and threw it in the trash can, But Mr.Duroft saw it, and gave her detention. I mean I felt bad for Carlie, but at least I will be able to hang out with Devin without having to explain anything to her. The whole day went by so slow, I kept thinking about what will happen after school, I didn't know what to expect. I've never been "just friends" with one of my ex's before.

It was seventh hour. The last class of the day, and we only had twenty minutes left. I thought I was going to have a heart attack because my heart was pounding so fast. Carlie tapped me and asked, "What is wrong?" I said nervously, "Nothing, I'm just thinking about how hard school will be this year." She smiled and said graciously, "It'll be okay, if you need any help with any school work, I'm here for you." Carlie was a straight A student, she skipped the sixth grade. I smiled at her and went back to think about after school.

The bell finally rang and Carlie hugged me and said, "I'll see you tomorrow, I love you "I told her I loved her too." and walked away, as I walked to my locker I thought I was going to pass out before I even reached it. When I got there I leaned up against my locker and started falling, until someone caught me, when I turned around Devin was right there, and I didn't feel like I was going to pass out anymore, I felt relieved if anything. Not relieved that he caught me, but relieved to see him. He asked very concerned like, "Are you okay?!" I replied nervously, "Yea, just a bit overwhelmed today, that's all." I smiled and he smiled back, which only made me melt inside. I think I started blushing. We headed out the door to the parking lot, when we got to his car he opened the passenger door for me. I gave him a look, and he said, "Hey, I'm just being a gentleman, that's all." I nodded my head and got in the car. We were driving for what seemed like forever, only because of the awkwardness and finally he asked, "So how have you been?" I said, "Just the normal, you know?" he replied by saying, "You mean depressed because your mom's a drunk and don't pay any attention to you?" I said, "Really?" He said, "Right, I'm sorry I was out of line, I just can't stand how she treats you. I could never treat you like that; I don't see how she can." I said, "No your right, I'm sorry, Just the way you put it... it just..." He cut me off by saying, "No, don't be sorry, I understand. I smiled, and he smiled back. It was silent the whole rest of the car ride.

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