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It's lunch time now, and I'm making my way to my locker, when I get there Devin is already standing there looking so cute, we hugged each other, and when he let go he said,

"I have a surprise for you after school today."
I smiled and asked,

"What it is it?"

He said in a smart voice,

"Well if I told you it wouldn't really be surprise then, will it?"

I shook my head, and said,

"I guess not."

I shut my locker and we were on our way to lunch. We always sat in the back, with all our friends, mainly his. But they were cool, so I didn't mind too much. They were all shocked we were back together; none of them could believe it. But, everyone was happy with it, they all always said how we were so cute together. When we were sitting, I looked across the lunch room and saw Hailey, the girl Devin cheated on me with. My eyes were filled with rage, I wanted to get up and go over there. But, I knew I couldn't be THAT mad at her since I forgave Devin. Devin must had seen me looking at her because he put his arms around me and whispered in my ear,

"I love you Nikki, and only you."

I turned and smiled and laid my hand on his cheek and kissed him. I said to him,

"I'm going to go to the bathroom and put some makeup on my bruises."

He said,

"Okay baby, hurry back."

I nodded and got up and walked to the nearest bathroom. I looked to see if there was anyone in there, and when there wasn't I looked in the mirror and saw my bruised face, I started crying. I couldn't stand the thought of my mom. I hated her, sometimes I wish she was dead, and I know that terrible to say but I can't help it. I started to wipe the hot moist tears, but they just kept coming. All of a sudden the door swings open and I start to wipe the tears quickly, I heard it lock, I got nervous. I waited for the person to walk around the corner. I didn't know who it was, then I saw Devin and I saw relieved, but embarrassed because I was crying. And he knew it, he laid his hands gently on my cheeks and dried up my tears and he leaned in to kiss me, we started making out, just like we used to, in the same bathroom every day. He put his hands on my hips and tightened his grip; he picked me up and put me on the sink. I put my hands around his neck, we were using tongue now. I started pulling his jacket off because I knew he was hot, it was always hot in this bathroom. He pulled off my hoodie and started griping me harder. I missed our bathroom time, we never did anything sexual, we just made out. All of a sudden someone was knocking on the door. I whispered to Devin,

"Did you put the out of order sign up?"

He nodded. I whispered,


He ran off in a stall to hide, he got on top of the toilet. I went to open the door; it was Hailey I was in so much shock. She said, in a snobby voice,

"Oh it's only you, what were you crying or something?"

I didn't know what to say, but I didn't want to leave Devin here with her. So I went to my backpack on the sink, Devin and my hoodie was sitting there, she noticed.

She said,

"Isn't that Devin's hoodie?"

I said sarcastically,

No, it's George Washington's."

She rolled her eyes and said,

"Wait does that mean Devvi's in here?"

I asked in anger,


She said,

"Yea, are you deaf?"

I went to get in her face, But Devin must had sensed it because he jumped off the toilet and came out. Devin looked at her and said,

"Leave her the fuck alone."

She said,

"Or what, hmm you're going to hit me? I'm so scared."

Devin took me gently by the arm and grabbed my stuff and said,

"Come on, you don't need this bull shit."

I think we were going to the car; all I could think about was how she said Devvi. That was my name for him; he said I was the only one that will ever be able to call him that, He lied. What else has he lied about? Was he lying when he said he wished he could take back what he did? Did he lie about loving me? I felt dizzy, and didn't think I could walk anymore. We were close to his car by this time. He opened the door to let me in. He got in on the driver side. I couldn't think straight, so much was going through my head. I didn't know what questions to ask. I don't even know if I want to ask any questions. I felt sick to my stomach. I think I passed out because the next thing I knew I was laying on the beach. Looking up at the beautiful blue sky, I lifted myself up and saw Devin to the left of me. He looked at me and said,

"Oh good your awake, I was so scared."

I didn't know what to say. Still shocked that Hailey called Devin Devvi, still not sure what else Devin has lied about. Devin scooched next to me leaning in to hug me I think. I stopped him, I had to. Before I could ever love on him again I needed answers to my questions. Before I knew it I said,

"What the fuck was that? What the fuck happened?"

He looked around not knowing what to say for sure; he sat there for what seemed like hours. Finally, he said,

"That was Hailey being Hailey. She's just mad I broke it off with her when you found out."

I didn't know what to say, that was not the answer I was looking for and he knew it. So, I said.

"No. Not that. The Devvi part! I thought I was the only one that could ever call you that! That was my nickname!"

He made a smirk on his face and said,

"What the fuck so you expect from me? I've said I was sorry, I said I wish I could take it back, I've said everything!"

I said in frustration,

"Are you fucking kidding me? I have forgiven you for that, I'm with you aren't I? Which I don't even know what I'm doing with you anymore!"

I get up in frustration and start walking away, he gets up as I was walking away, he said,

"Wait, please. I'm sorry, just listen."

I stopped walking and turned around, I was crying. This all reminded me of the night I found out he was cheating. He was crying too from what I could tell, he started saying,

"Look, I'm sorry, I know I've caused you so much pain, but I couldn't stop her from saying it. She was reading our text one day and saw that you called me that, so to get under my skin she started calling me that. I told her repeatedly not to call me that. But she wouldn't, and that's when I wanted to break things off with her so it could just be me and you, but she said if I broke things with her she would tell you about us. And I couldn't imagine hurting you. Please forgive me baby, I love you so much. I couldn't bare not to live without you again."

I didn't know what to say, I mean it sounded like he was telling the truth, and even if he wasn't it was in the past and I have forgiven him for that. He was walking towards me, he was indeed crying; this just made me melt inside. I said tenderly,

"I love you."

We leaned in to hug each other. I was crying so hard, I was getting his navy blue button up shirt wet. He pulled us apart, with his hand still on my hips he leans in to kiss me.

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