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We woke up around nine A.M. I was so tired, I woke a few times during the night because of the dreams, Devin didn't know though; I don't want him to have to worry about me. We were sitting on the bed watching TV. I was lying in Devin's lap, while he stroked my hair. I always loved when he did this, it felt so good. We sat there for a few hours, till Devin looked down at me and asked,

"Are you hungry, we can order room service babe?"

I wasn't really hungry, but I don't want to be rude or anything, but I probably won't even finish it so why should I waste his money. So I said,

"No, that's okay babe. I probably won't be able to finish anything, so just save your money."

He gave me a weird look and said,

"Babe, it's our money now. And you have to eat; I know your mother wouldn't feed you. Babe you need to build your strength back up. What do you want?"
I really didn't have an appetite for anything though, so I just said,

"I suppose I'll have some kiwi."

He made a face that didn't look impressive, like he thought I was being difficult. He finally said,

"Okay babe, are you sure that's it, you can get whatever you want."

I nodded, knowing he was expecting me to say I want something else. Devin has asked if I had an eating disorder before, but I never actually told him the truth because I was scared. I don't know why I have an eating disorder it just somehow happened. Devin lifts my head up to get off the bed; he goes over to the phone to call room service. I look at the TV, there was a movie on I don't know what it is called, but it had a mother and three children. The mother was actually loving for her children, she was making them breakfast before they had to go to school. Before they left she gave them all a hug and kiss. This was making me start to cry, and Devin must have noticed because he shut the TV off when he was done with the call. He came over to the bed and sat next to me; he grabbed my hand and kissed it tenderly. He said,

"Baby, I love you. I don't see how your mother could treat you like that all your life. She is a drunken bitch that you will never have to see again. Nikki, you mean the world to me, well shit you are my whole world and I would do anything for you."

I smiled and blushed a little; I leaned in and kissed him. When I broke the kiss I said,

"That was beautiful Devvi; you are my whole world too."

He pulled me in and hugged me tightly; I could feel his heart beating faster than ever. This is how I knew he loved me; this is how I knew he told the truth when he said Hailey was just a toy before he fall in love with me. I then knew that Devin and I would spend the rest of our lives together. The first time we dated I thought the same thing, only if I believed him when he said he loved me that night our love could be stronger. Wait what am I saying our love is unconditional. There was suddenly a knock at the door; it was most likely room service. Devin got up and answered the door, when he did I heard a women's voice followed by her hugging him. I instantly got up and walked to the door, Devin said,

"Nikki, this is my sister Trinity."

I was relived and smiled graciously to shake her head. I said,

"It's really nice to finally meet you."

She smiled and said,

"It's really nice to finally meet you too, but Devin didn't tell me you were this pretty!"

I smiled and said,

"Thank you."

I wasn't really sure what to say, it was kind of awkward given the situation and all. We walked over to sit on the couch. Trinity stood about 5 feet, long brown hair, and beautiful identical blue eyes like Devin's. She was beautiful; she looked a lot like Devin. They sat there talking for a while, I didn't know what to say or do. All of a sudden Devin asked,

"What do you think babe?"

I didn't know what he was talking about because the whole time they were talking I was in my own world I asked,

"What do I think about what baby?"

They laughed; Trinity then chimed in and said,

"You and I going to the mall to pick out new clothes and stuff in case your mom puts your description on the news or something."

New clothes? I mean I hardly had any anyhow so I suppose it wouldn't hurt. I finally said,

"I would love to!"

She smiled and said,

"Great want to leave now?"

I smiled and replied by saying,

"Yes, of course."

We got up from the couch, but I was still in Devin's shirt so I had to get dressed, so I said,

"Can you give me a few moments to get dressed?"

She said,

"Yes, of course. I'll meet you down in the lobby okay?"

I nodded my head and walked over to my backpack that was on the bed. Devin came over and hugged me from behind, and said,

"Remember the day we were making out in the bathroom and we got interrupted by Hailey?"

I wondered why he was asking this but I said,


He said,

"Well remember earlier in the day when I said I had a surprise for you after school, but never ended up giving it to you because of everything?"
I said,


He then walked over to where he had his bag, and pulled out a small rectangular box. Could this be a ring? Is he about to propose to me? Am I ready for something like that? He hands me the box and said,

"Go ahead, open it babe."

I smiled and started to open it, it was wrapped in baby blue wrapping paper, my favorite color. When it was unwrapped I lifted up the lid of the box, there was a piece of paper on top with four digits, I wondered what it was for so I lifted it up and there was two identical iPhone. Both baby blue. Devin finally said,

"The piece of paper was the four digit password to my old phone, and the surprise was the password since you already had a phone, but your mother took yours and I can't use mine in case cops are tapping it, so I decided to get us identical phones, look on the back of them."

I turned them over, one had forever and always with Devin engraved on it and the other had forever and always with Nichole. I smiled and hugged him by the waist. These phones were too cute, and I didn't know what to say. I finally pulled us apart he put his hand on my cheek and I said,

"Thank you baby, I love them."

He said,

"My password on my new phone will be those digits and you can get on it and check it whenever you want."

Check his phone whenever I wanted? I mean yes that would be nice, but that's not fair to him. He has a right to privacy. I mean we're in Mexico, who could he possibly cheat on me with? I finally said,

"That's okay baby, I trust you."

He smiled and said,

"Well you can still check it whenever."
He leaned in and kissed me and said,

"I think Trinity is waiting for you, and you're not even dressed yet."

I laughed and said,

"Well whose fault is that mister?"

He laughed, and said,

"Shush, and get your hot ass as dressed."

I smiled and threw on a baby blue tank top, and white faded blue jean shorts, slipped my vans on, gave Devin a kiss and ran out the door.

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