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When I woke up someone was holding my hand, I figured it was Devin so I asked,

"Devin, how long have I been sleeping?"
The voice then said,

"I don't know I just got here."

I suddenly lifted myself up and saw a man I've never seen before. He was tall with dirty blonde hair, I then asked,

"Who are you? Where's my fiancé?"
The man then said,

"You still look as beautiful as you did when you were first born."

As I was first born this man was there when I was first born? Could he be a relative of my mother's? I then asked,

"Who are you?!"

He smiled and said,

"You don't recognize your own father?"
My own father? My mother told me he died in a car crash when I was only two. Could she have lied? I then said,

"That's impossible my mom said my father died when I was two."

He then said,

"Yea your mother wasn't too good at telling the truth, I'm sure you know that or you wouldn't be in Mexico right now."
Okay, if this man was my father then why did he leave and why did my mom lie about it? I then asked,

"If you're really my dad then why did you leave me with her? Huh? You know how terrible she is if you spend so much time with her to have a child!"
He then said,

"I didn't want to leave, I really didn't. Your mother was an alcoholic and she was bringing me down with her. I couldn't let that happen, I swore to myself as soon as I got cleaned I would come back for you, but your mother moved without a trace. I searched for years.

I then said in frustration,

"Well thanks "dad" Because of you my mother ruined my life! She beat me; she locked me up in a house, with no food! She drugged me! She almost killed me! Now how can you come back and "save" me now when she ALREADY ruined my life!?"

He then said,

"I didn't know how bad she treated you, she wasn't always that bad. If I could redo and stay, I would and you have to believe that Nikki."
Devin then walked in and asked,

"Who are you? And what are you doing in my fiancés room?"
My dad then said,

"It's okay, I'm her father."

Devin then said,

"No the fuck you're not, her father is gone. Me and our daughter is her only family, again WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?"
I didn't want to hear the fighting I then said,

"Devin, I think this is my father. I would like to hear him out."

Devin nodded his head and walked over to the opposite side of the bed where my "father" was standing. My father then explained to Devin everything he explained to me. After Devin asked him,

"Can you give me a moment alone with my fiancé?"
He nodded and walked out to the hall. Devin then said,

"Do you think we can trust him?"
I then said,

"I... I think so; I mean my mother is prone to doing things like that."

He then nodded and said,

"I think we should check into it first. Let's ask him if he has proof. Okay?"

He nodded and called my dad back in here, Devin then asked,

"How did you know Nichole was here?"
My dad then said,

"I'm a doctor, and I was looking through records from here for this child that was being abused, then I saw your name. So, I was going to fly out a few days later but then I saw you were admitted tonight so I took the first flight I could."

Devin stared at him for a while then finally asked,

"Do you have any proof that you are her father?"

My dad then pulled out his wallet and pulled out a little picture and handed it to me. In the picture I was probably a few months old and I was sitting on his lap, in the background I could see my mother. I then passed it to Devin; he studied it for about five minutes then passed it back to him. My dad then asked,

"Do you believe me?"

I then nodded and said,

"I... I do believe you dad."

I started crying, I couldn't believe my mother could do this, well I believed it I just couldn't concept it. My father then leaned in and hugged me, it was kind of awkward but it felt right, because I finally have a parent. A none alcoholic parent, that I could actually love. The doctor then came in and said,

"Okay, Nichole you're all good. You are free to leave with your baby now."

I nodded and he walked off, Devin helped me out of the bed and my dad said,

"I'll step out so you can get dressed."

Devin nodded and he walked away. Devin then looked me in the face and said,

"Baby I'm sorry, I know you want a parent that loves you and all. But, I don't think I trust him."

I then said,

"What's not to trust?"

Devin didn't say I thing. I kept thinking maybe Devin liked how I only loved him, and only wanted me to love him. Devin then started to help get dressed, I then told him,

"I have it. I got it; I'm not incapable of getting myself dressed."
He then said,

"Fine. Whatever do what you want? You never listen to me anyhow."

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