"Not yet. Let's play card or something." She says

"I hope you brought things because I packed like shit" I laugh and she laughs too and grabs her carryon purse she brought with her. She pulls out cards, markers and a coloring book.

"Oh yesss I love to color" I say excitedly

"I know it calms you down and I happen to have an 8 year old who loves to color too" she says with a wink

"Yes I'm an 8 year old too" I say and we both laugh. We decide to play cards first. I teach her blackjack, which is so simple and she teaches me rummy 500 which is so hard. I finally get the hang of it an hour later and finally manage to beat her. The flight attendant knocks on my pod and laughs seeing two people in there.

"Oh sorry, is this not allowed?" I say a little embarrassed.

"It's not but I won't say anything." She says politely. I'm just coming to ask for any breakfast orders. Here's the menu." She says handing me the menu and me and Scar look over it together.

"Pancakes" we both say and then laugh together at each other.

"Okay so pancakes for both, any drinks?" She ask us and I tell her I want orange juice and Scarlett says the same. She walks away with a smile and I turn to a Scarlett.

"You're turning me into a rule breaker Johansson, I'm not sure if I like it." I mumble into her neck and lightly kiss it.

"You were already a rule breaker baby. If anything I've tamed you." She giggles

"Oh you think so?" I ask

"I know so, wanna know why?" She says in her signature raspy voice slowly inching closer to my face. I just nod yes staring into her beautiful green eyes.

"If it was up to you, you would be on your knees in front of me with your fingers deep inside me and your mouth stuck around my clit." She whispers close to my ear. Oh fuck there goes my panties. "But because of me. We are not going to do that. We are going to be mature adults and wait until we are where no one else can hear you moan my name while your eating me out." She whispers into my ear again and I roll my eyes and bite my lip to suppress a moan coming out of my mouth.

Once again interrupted by the flight attendent bring our food she leaves us with a smile probably noticing my tomato red face and Scarlett's smirk. We enjoy the food, stealing bites of each others plates even though it's the same meal. When we finish we notices there's 3 hours left so we settle on watching one of my favorite sports movies, The Rookie. 20minites in i hear soft snores and if i didn't know how tired she was from waking up early and then having to wake me up and get me out of the house also I would be offended. It's a great movie! After the movies over I'm almost crying but I keep myself composed. It's just a movie...it's just a movie...

I find another film to put on for the remaining time but I don't bother watching it. Instead I watch the beauty that's in my arms. I inspect every inch of her. Almost looking for a flaw but there are none. It may be crazy to think like this, or maybe it's the lesbian in me but I cannot wait to marry this woman. It's been almost 3 months but I feel like I've known her my entire life.

She jumps in my arms when the pilots come over the loud speaker but I'm quick to wrap her in a hug and soothe her.

"ATTENTION PASSENEGERS. ID LIKE TO WELCOME YOU TO SUNNY LOS ANGELOS. THE TIME IS 8:51 am AND IT IS 78degrees F." He announces and I feel her shift in my arms.

"We made it" I say out loud and kiss her head that's on my shoulder. She looks up and smiles at me sleepily and kisses my lips. God I love her lips.

I help her up and out of my pod and grab her carryon purse. Luckily I cleaned up while she slept. I glance over her pod to make she she grabbed everything and then follow her out of the plane. We have our hats on pulled down low but it's hot so I quickly strip off my jacket and feel Scar wraps her hand around my upper arm and I'm definitely self conscious of being sweaty but her loving embrace makes those worries go away. We quickly spot our luggage and grab them before heading outside. She said she booked a car to drive us to Lizzie's so I'm surprised when I see Lizzie and Robbie holding signs with our last name infromt of an old red 1957 Chevy bel air convertible. My jaw drops.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now