Chapter 13: When you're mine

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We will change the story to Ria's POV from this chapter.


I scrolled through the tab after picking the food section. My tiger was staring at me. Pfft... What's with that face? He's like a cat in confusion. He's too cute. I can't take it. I pulled his head and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

The female's shouting became the romantic scene's background sound. The other beastmen in the room had jealousy showing all over their face. So fun hahaha.... It was really amusing. This scene is a cliche in dramas where the main character has a CEO as their lover. I like their courage to do things in public.

'This is too shameless..... But I don't mind it since Ria wants it. Ah... The others are looking at us. Ria, really.....'

Which one should I give to that female? I think this one is fine. Everyone likes sweets, don't they? I took out a chocolate bar from my bag. I got it from the shop. I removed it's wrapper then walked towards the female.

I bent my knees to face her. I'm quite tall for a woman. Winston is just an inch taller than me and Harvey and I have the same height. It's why it's very easy to pull their heads when I want a smooch. Damn it... What am I thinking? Never mind......

"This is very sweet. Do you want to try it?" I asked, smiling.

The female stopped shouting but instead got more curious about what I was holding. She stared at the chocolate bar for a few minutes.

"Hmp! Make sure it tastes good or I will have my father end you," she replied.  The beastmen beside her was exceedingly bothered by her rude attitude. I saw my tiger's face getting irritated. Cute... I know what he's thinking. I'll tease him later.

The female drooled after a bite. She couldn't stop eating till the very last piece.

"Tasty" "I told you." She suddenly turned to look on the side with her lips pouting.
"C-can I have another one?" she asked politely this time. This female is actually a tsundere. How cute....

"You can't have another chocolate. I'll prepare you a meal." Am I hallucinating? I just saw ears drooping. Females doesn't have beast parts. They are more of a human that's why they're weak but she's still cute.

"Just make it quick!" She looked excited when I told her that I was the one to prepare her food. She seems to be looking forward to what I'm going to cook. It looks like she finally decided to stop shouting.

I was about to stand up when I noticed the other females sitting in the left side of the cave. These beastmen doesn't really know how to take care of females.

"Sigh..." I slapped my forehead. "Are you fine Yeria?" my tiger asked. He's really concerned about me. I nodded at his direction then winked an eye.

"You didn't hunt, did you?" I asked looking at the hawk beastman. "No. We weren't able to hunt because of this female," he replied. It's reasonable enough for me to not kill them.

"The three of you should go hunting and inform the other ones outside to guard the cave properly. I'll also prepare all your food." The hawk and tiger just nodded. They finally headed outside.

I also gave a signal to Winston telling him to go out.
"Are you sure it's fine?" he asked.
I walked closer to him. I pulled him outside where there are no beastmen.

I held his hands as I leaned my head on his shoulders. I breathed in and out. He felt it in his nape. His ears are changing their color. His nape became red as soon as I began leaving marks on his collar.
"Ah- Yeria..." He closed his eyes in embarrassment.

"You don't need to worry. They won't find us here." I continued giving kisses on his scruff.

"Yeria..." He's out of breath. I do think this enough teasing. I kissed his ears for one last time then I pulled my hands away.

'?!!!' I got surprised when he suddeny pulled me in his arms. "Do you want more?" I asked. He nodded with his eyes closed. I caressed his hair as I kissed him on the lips.


"Hngg" He whimpered.
"Hah- Is this enough?" "Y-eria more..." "We'll have more time to do this later. I need to prepare the food first." "Ok...." His ears drooped as his tail stopped wagging. He's a bit sad so I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Do you want to help me? I need to skin the meat," I asked. He nodded excitedly. We held hands on the way back to the cave. I saw the beastmen waiting beside a rock holding the meat.

"Thank you for your hard work," I said. The beastmen were quite surprised of what I said. They weren't expecting a female to be grateful since the ones they've met until now only takes everything for granted.

My tiger helped me skin the meat. I sliced them in small pieces for the females. There are a lot of meat since I told them that they would also be eating. The other beastmen helped us on starting a fire.

I just barbecued the meat on sticks sprinkling some spices and brushing sauce on them. I also made a soup from the meat on a pot made of rock. It was almost 12 at night as I looked at my phone.

I was done cooking so I instructed my tiger and the other beastmen to make some bowls. The males can use leaves as plates but the soup needs a bowl and spoon.

We were finally able to eat after getting done with everything. The beastmen distributed the soup to females first then they ate the meat I made for them.

I saw their eyes shining when they took a bite. "Delicious!" "Yeah, I've never tasted a meat like this before!" the beastmen said.

The females were in a lost of words. They couldn't stop eating their portions. I glanced at the female shouting earlier. She seems to be busy eating. I shouldn't bother her. I giggled.

"Let's eat, honey." "Yes, Yeria. But what is 'honey'?" he asked. "It's what I call my males." He blushed at the word. He's too cute. I gave him a smooch then we settled on a rock outside the cave.

I fed my tiger meat pieces. "It's tasty. How did you make it, Yeria? " "I'm glad you like it. I used medicine." "Medicine?" "Hmm... I'll tell you about it later so that you can cook for me, honey. Just eat first."

I continued feeding him barbecued meat slices. His reaction was more satisfying than the food. He also tried to feed me but I refused. Instead I pushed him down the grass.

"Y-yeria!!" "We're quite far from the cave. They won't see us here." He closed his eyes as I reached for his waist.


Told ya. I don't write lemons.

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