Chapter 6: When you're in the shadows

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Harvey arrived at the place and saw someone lying down on the floor. He got closer to check if the person is alright. "A-are you alright?" Harvey sensed blood after getting closer. He immediately removed the cloak of the person. "He got the bait!" Ria is thinking of any possible situation that will ruin her plan.

Why am I describing her as a person anyway? "You fucking author!! If I ain't a person then what am I supposed to be?!" A fictional character. "Makes sense.. Nevermind.. I'll just eat the rest of the braised pork after this." Nooooo!! A heavy defeat for the author.

Harvey blushed seeing a female with a fair white skin in the forest alone without any males or mating marks on her body. She was wearing a mask and Harvey didn't feel the need to remove it. His thoughts are floating on the moon. Thinking that if he can save her then the female would accept him as her male. He held himself down from those thoughts and soon remembered that this female is injured.

His mind came back so he continued to check on her. He can sense the female's breathing. Harvey seeing the bleeding shoulder of his future female, his heart began to ache. While Ria having full marks for her scheme is in real pain. It doesn't bother her.

"Arghh... This isn't for some oscar award thing cuz I'm in real pain." Why did you even stab your own shoulder when you could just use an illusionary box from the shop. "Of course, to make it look realistic. Ain't I great?" '........'

Ria is now pretending to be asleep on a thing you can call bed if you want while a sexy doctor is treating her shoulder. Yep...  They are in Harvey's hut. Ria was brought back by Harvey from the forest giving her a ride on his beast form. He doesn't need to worry about the female's scent attracting other males because he already covered her with his scent. Harvey removed the female's cape to properly clean and treat the wound.

The sun is setting. Ria is still pretending to be unconscious. She didn't know why she felt more comfortable here than sleeping on the extra large soft luxury bed she has in her house. She fell asleep lying on a hay with soft animal skins. Harvey who is seating on the floor right next to the hay was keeping both his eyes on the female. He was feeling nervous that what if the female rejects him after she wakes up.


"Just where the heck am I again?!!" Ria kept walking on an endless dark path and her surrounding are all shadows trying to show something. The shadows were in the shape of humans. A woman and a man holding a child could be seen. The woman was lying on a bed. "Seems like a shadow play. It could be fun heh..."

The woman hugged the child having the man look at them dearly. The woman could be assumed as the mother while the man is the father and the child is their daughter.  Then the father carried the child and opened the door after saying good bye to his bedridden wife. The child hesitated to leave but got carried away by her father. The man held the little girl's small hand and walked around in a place with trees. They kept walking for hours when the man suddenly stopped to get something from his pocket.

The man held his phone to his ears. He received a call. Then they sat on a bench for a break from walking when tears fell from the man's eyes. The child was confused. She then tilted her head to see her father's eyes. The innocent child did not know anything.

The father held his daughter and walked back to their house. It felt empty. The child kept looking for her mother but had never saw her again. The transition became blurry and the little girl was seen crying in front of two big portraits. The candle was lit but stayed dark.

Ria who was dumbfounded knew what this shadow play is about. "Isn't this... my past... "


I'm introducing myself again. My name was Han Yerin and I'm 21 years old when I died in an accident. At the age of six, I witnessed both of my parent's death. One died of an illness and the other is of suicide resulting in me being an orphan and living in an orphanage for almost three years.

My hobby is reading web novels and I'm a top 1 game addict. Those hobbies weren't enough to satisfy me. My life had no direction. I took the course my adopted parents wanted. I was overly exhausted from studying and working. Day by day, my boredom grew more and more. Everything felt tiring.

I am adopted by my current parents when I was eight years old because of their infertility issues but soon had a baby two years after adopting me. They started treating me indifferently even before the baby was born. They valued me as a useless kid living with their money so they controlled my life, made me work part times and sidelines and gave me cold shoulders. I felt empty inside. It's like everything got misplaced. Their actions were in a slow motion. Days are like years to pass for me.

I felt warmth. It's the light and my hope to keep me away from the shadows of the past. Now I am given a chance to live my life to the fullest and I will not miss this. I don't plan to have any regrets. I'll give everything my best shot and enjoy my life. That's just how I am.


Harvey observed the female sleeping for three hours without winking his eyes once. He then saw the female in great discomfort with her eyes frowning that could be seen even with the mask. She kept moving too much while asleep. He was wondering if the female is sick, but he already checked on her confirming that her health is in a good condition.

The female's eyes kept twitching. Harvey got worried and so he stood up and lied down hugging the female. He was about to go crazy sniffing her scent. The female stopped frowning her brows and breathed as her usual. Her discomforts cannot be seen anymore. Harvey felt very delighted to be able to hug his beloved female and that his warmth was able to comfort her. Harvey also fell asleep. 


The shadow play is over. Ria found light in the place full of darkness. She followed it and was able to leave the black void. She felt secured and warm for the first time.

When Ria gets Isekai'dNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ