Chapter 15: When it's a mark

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I woke up with lights blinding my eyes. The sun was the one that woke me up. It was shining brightly like there's no tomorrow. It was such a beautiful morning.

I saw my tiger beside me. We were still lying on the grass with only blankets on. He's awake. I turned to look at his side then greeted him. I saw him weirdly shocked and happy after I turned to face him.

"Good morning, baby~" I greeted. 'Purr~' "Ah- Ria" "Hmm?" "..........My mating mark is on your chest..... beside your heart.....," he said, blushing. Oh- Is that why he looked surprised earlier? I took a hand mirror from my bag to look at my upper chest.

A tiger face was really there beside my leopard's mark. How come? Why did the leopard mark shrink? It overlaps with the tiger. Well, I guess this is a good thing for my future mates. They would feel equally loved.

I wonder how many more marks would add up on my chest. Haha... I would look like a total gangster in that case. I want my future daughter to be like me so that she can protect herself on her own. But, the marks really became small. The design is pretty, though.

I forgot. "Do you not like it?" I'll tease him a bit. "There's no way I won't like it!! I-i love it" I grabbed his hands and placed it on his mark on my chest. "?!!!" It's the first time I saw him smiling without worries on his face. I smirked seeing my tiger.

"That smile fits you more than a poker face," I said. "Do you like it?" he asked. "Of course, I love it." I kissed his forehead. He turned his head away in embarrassment. "Then I would smile more often now." "I'll make you happy for it to become always."

His expression suddenly dulled at my remark. I clearly know the reason. He has the same inferiority complex as my Harvey. That's why I handle both of them the same way. I treat them specially. Even with all these things, I still need to assure them.

I already did so to Harvey. It's time for this tiger now. "I won't leave you. If you don't believe me, then I'll let you have my mark." His eyes sparked in confusion. "Of course, I believe in yo- Ah?!!!" I pushed him to lie down on the blanket. I was on top of him.

"W-wait Ria! We just did it last night!" He covered his face with both of his hands. His ears were red. I am stronger than him. He couldn't move me an inch. So nice hehe... I'm not a pervert.

I bite his neck making it bleed. "Ah-" He doesn't seem to be hurt. He's just aroused by it. I kissed his lips then moved away. I took out my hand mirror and showed him the mark on his chest.

"It's your reflection. Have a good look at the mark. With it, I won't be able to remove your mating mark from me if you do not agree but I can remove it once we lose our feelings for each other." He looked surprised. His face is saying it all.

'I can't believe something like this is possible. Then, I won't be abandoned by Yeria. I... have a choice that not even the strongest beastmen have. I really am lucky for being Yeria's mate. It's the best thing that has happened in my life.' He blushed thinking.

"After removing the mark, you will still be able to find another mate even if we already have cubs. I'm a bit sad and jealous, though."

"I don't want you to treat others like you do to me. I don't want you to kiss others. I'm sorry if I'm being selfish for wanting you for myself. " I said as I tried to look very pitiful.

I saw his face flushing with my words. He also had a worried expression. "I promise. I won't ever try to remove it. I will always love you." He hugged me. Hehe... Manipulated. I told you. I'm not a pervert!!! "Is that true? I'm glad then." I kissed him aggressively on his lips.

I held his chin up with my fingers. "You're already mine. You can't look at others, ok?" "Hmm" I can see my tiger blushing with his eyes closed. "Purr..." I see. You're becoming a real kitty now huh? Endless kissesssssss..............


We finally had breakfast. We had a simple pancake with chocolate toppings and syrup. My tiger ate a lot. He really likes pancakes.

I packed all the things needed for raising a baby and a few (hundred) simple outfits for her and daily necessities inside. She's my first friend in this world and also in the past world, I guess?

Besides, she doesn't have any males right now. She'll be needing these accessories to seduce some strong beastmen to protect her and her female cub. I also put triple magic shield- stop you're overdoing it..... "......"

I placed all of them inside a spacial ring and gave it to Laen to wear. I sent off Laen and her female cub riding on a hawk. They were headed for the beast city hoping for a new life with the other females. I bid farewell to her as I saw her beautiful smile.

Winston and I decided to stay here because we have a plan. The other beastmen went to the beast city. They already accomplished their mission to rescue the females. I just asked a hawk to deliver the word.

That 'Winston is leaving the beast city since he already found a beautiful and unique mate who accepted him.'

It's almost noon. I got all of the information I needed. I'll process them all while we go to the fox tribe. I'm on my tiger's back. He's my ride on the way to the fox tribe. I got cars in the shop but there aren't any roads here. If I'm unlucky, I might encounter a cliff and die.

A helicopter or plane would attract too much attention. I must be careful. This is an unknown world. Anything could happen since I'm not familiar with this place.

"Let's go, honey. We still need to solve the situation in the fox tribe." "Yes, Yeria" I'm relaxing on my tiger's back as my mind drifted off.

Let's start with Laen's story .

"I'm only a daughter of a branch of the royals. The spirit fox tribe had long lost its glory since the last heir with the spirit of the royals disappeared.

The heir was in the same age as me at the time when a war is ongoing between the different races. The royals were suddenly placed a curse and died one after another, why he was the only heir left. "

"When did he disappear and how old are you now?" "The heir disappeared on the ninth moon of December and I'm 46 years old now. "You look beautiful even with that age, though."

"It's because my mates are strong. They would always collect emeralds for me. I believe they would also come back for me this time." She had a painful expression on her face as she touches the mating marks on her chest.

When Ria gets Isekai'dOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora