Chapter 1: When you start

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"Haah... another exhausting day." I'm just on my way to go home from my part time job at a convenience store but then the lights of a truck flashed before my eyes.

"Ah... it fucking hurts as hell..." Am I dead? I don't feel anything now. Getting run over by a truck sure is an idiotic way of death. "Where am I right now?" It's really dark. I can't see a thing.

I kept searching my surroundings and just found nothing but the empty ground I'm standing on. After a long time, I just gave up and lied on the floor. My thoughts were floating. If this is a punishment for living my life with ungratefulness of what I had then it's still better than the boring life I've led until my pitiful and pathetic death.

[System loading...]"What the hell is that?!" I got surprised by the light. Huh? I can finally see something. "What in the world!" Any otaku would recognize it right away. "Wow! is that a status window?" It's color blue like what I read in manhwas. My impossible dream is achieved but in afterlife I guess?

'Welcome, I am Rufel and I have chosen you as my master' "What the heck! I can hear someone talk inside my head!" It feels weird. "Rufel, what am I supposed to do?" I asked it out of curiosity. 'Would you like a new life master?' It said and I picked 'yes' on the screen. It wouldn't hurt to try since I'm already dead anyways. Then something immediately appeared on the screen.

[ <Character> ]
[ <Shop> ]
[ <Training> ]

'Fix your Character' I chose character like what you would do first to play an rp game. A lot of settings appeared like hair, hair color, face shape, and more. I tapped 'done' on the screen after finishing it. I'm proud of my efforts with how beautiful she turned out.

*(The picture is at the top of the chapter... Just taller, has a larger body build and chest, without the penguin stuff, and wears the outfits below) *I just got it on internet as I don't have that much time or ability to create my own character.

 Just taller, has a larger body build and chest, without the penguin stuff, and wears the outfits below) *I just got it on internet as I don't have that much time or ability to create my own character

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*Please comment to pick which outfit would fit our fl 😊

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*Please comment to pick which outfit would fit our fl 😊

I placed 'Yeria Valentine' on the name bar. It's not my real name but I don't want to use the name of the exhausting past I want to erase from my memories.

I'm done with my character so I tapped the other one. 'shop'

A lot of tabs showed up then. Everything needed for living is showed with a purchase icon. Her smirk is reaching her ears with how she can buy a phone even here. There are also various things that you can buy with points which doesn't exist on earth like potions.

The skills and magic items are the ones that caught Ria's interest since they are essential on survival. She bought everything she needed like ring with spacial ability which is able to store things by using the points she currently have that's given by the system.

Their cost means nothing to her even though she still doesn't know how to earn it since if it means having to enjoy her new life then she is ready for anything.

She got more pumped up seeing the perks of having a status window. Her heart is desiring an adventure and the dream of being overpowered like anime characters.

Then it's time she picked the last. Many lights suddenly appeared from different directions forming a big tower. She found the lights beautiful when it looked like stars shining in the dark.

She went inside the tower and something like a notification popped up on the status window saying 'Please use this place to enhance your abilities and skills. There will be different kinds of monsters appearing from now. You are at the first level of the Zile Tower and more powerful monsters will be your opponent as you move up levels of the tower.' "This is going to be real fun now I'm ready." Ria said with a wide smirk on her face.

'You will be able to loot the rewards from these monsters as long as you kill them by using the skills and magical items purchased in the shop.'

"Now well then, let's start?"

(This is my first time writing and my mother language is not English so I apologize for the grammatical errors. I hope you enjoy ♡^▽^♡)

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