Chapter 14: When it's about Harvey

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Harvey's house......................

His hut became like the one above the chapter. I don't know how Ria did it, though. Maybe a black hole sucked in the hut and replaced it with a house from the shop.

Day 1 without Ria

A certain forgotten leopard was watering the plants around his garden.

I just woke up as usual but found many strange things my Ria left. Even my hut changed into a beautiful one and all of my things like medicine are organized and clean. Ria and I would surely live in this place and have cubs of our own.

I just did my daily routines but my mind is just thinking about Ria. First, I ate breakfast and watered the plants in the garden. I also cleaned the house. Next I ate the food that Ria made for me for lunch.

Then I walked around the village to fulfill my duties as a doctor treating females. The sun was setting so I went back home to have dinner. I just sat on the chair with Ria's portrait on the opposite chair. Ahh... I really miss her.

The table has flowers on it, my dinner, and utensils that I've yet to learn how to use. Everything that Ria makes is really delicious. She even brought me sweets. Yummy....

After eating, I brushed my teeth with a toothbrush. It looks like the spiked fruit I use on my teeth, why I know how to use it. Finally, I laid on the bed. I slowly drifted to sleep after thinking about Ria.

'I miss Ria. I want to know where she is and what she's doing. No Harvey! I have to trust her. She promised me that she would come back. This mark is the proof,' he thought as he placed his hand on Ria's mark.

She's been away for two days but she doesn't forget to bring me flowers and gifts. I was surprised at the first time this thing visited our house but I saw it drop something so I took a look at it. It was Ria's photo.

I dropped my guard as soon as I saw her. There was another photo of Ria with a frame inside our bedroom. That's why I know that it's from Ria. She isn't wearing her mask in the photos she sent.

I've long known that my mate is a beauty but the title 'the most beautiful' suits her perfectly. She's even kind towards her males and r-really strong. She has all these useful and unusual things we can use to survive in winter.

Yeah... Her stamina is admirable. She did it very gently but satisfyingly. He flushed as he recalled the night they spent together. Ah- What am I thinking about right now?

Pull yourself together, Harvey. That bird also brought a bouquet of flowers, new but unusual clothes and packed foods.

Ria sent me different kinds of beautiful flowers and plant seeds. I don't want Ria's gifts for me to rot so I planted all of them in the garden.

I know several terms like garden, bedroom, and house because Ria mentioned them before. Ria also said that giving flowers to someone means that you love them and cherish them. I wish I could give her one.

It was really convenient to have a garden since I would be able to get the medicine I need just beside our house. I didn't let patients stay inside the house. I don't want Ria's scent to be covered by others.

He actually sniffs the bed they slept on from time to time without washing it for days. Shut up..... But it's true. Ahhh- don't say anymore! Even Yeria's clothes are no exception to his perverted hobby. Just shut up!! Fine....

The clothes were quite hard to wear. My hard work paid off when I saw myself in the mirror. I looked different. I liked them because they were Ria's gifts but I also liked them because I looked good at them.

One of my patients praised me for it. She forced her way in to take me as her male so I chased her out. Ria would be mad if she were to smell the scent of another female in our home.

I cleaned it the entire day. Of course, except for the bed. You sniff it like crazy after all. Shut up! It's because I'm crazy in love with her. How- Shut up!!! [.........]

As for the food, it was all delicious. I know that my Ria made them for me. The bird delivered a lot of strange food. I liked them all.

It's not that hard to learn about the new things and the new home of ours. I could already use the object that sprays water in the bathroom properly to take a bath. The round object in the bathroom is very useful since I don't need to go to the sand in the village.

I'm glad that Ria brings me photos of her with the unusual shape. It looked like a mix of two long circles. She said it means love. She meant that she loves me right? He blushed at the thought.

Day 2 without Ria

Harvey ate his breakfast, watered the plants, and took a bath as soon as he woke up. He checked the females in the village only for an hour today. It wasn't even noon yet but he finished all his task for the day.

The bird delivered these bottles yesterday evening. I recall Ria mention something about potions to make me gain a mark. There are two bottles of red colour and also two bottles of blue colour.

I would definitely drink these since it's Ria's gifts but I can't depend on them too much. I need to train myself. I should strengthen myself before Ria comes back. In that way, I wouldn't be a burden to her.

As soon as I drank a red bottle a red beast mark appeared on the left side of my face. I drank another red bottle to see what happens. Wow! I'm already a two-striped beastman. I was done drinking the red ones so I proceeded with the blue bottles.

It didn't add a stripe on my face but I could feel my power becoming stable by drinking it. I wouldn't even dream of becoming a striped beastman without Ria's help. I still need to train to make use of my strength on protecting myself and Ria.

The leopard blushed at his thoughts. I'm sure Ria would become sad if I die. I don't want that. Ria told me I'm hers and I will keep holding to those words even if she doesn't want me anymore.

A monster awakened inside the leopard's corrupted mind. I think a two faced lily would be born out of the sexy doctor. The leopard made his resolve to train on the next few days.

End of Harvey's POV

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