Breakup Makeup

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She watched as Mackenna and Lorena were taken from their holding cell, the two sadly looking back at Y/N, both feeling guilty for getting her in this situation.
Y/N just gave them a small wave as they went, no doubt it had been Viv who was there to get them since the guards gave no fuss about them being let go. Y/N suspected Laz would be here soon as well.

She rubbed her face, giving a sigh. Overall, she was tired and pissed off. They'd been harassed and defended themselves and now they were thrown into jail, only painfully reminding her of her puny place as a human. Laz had spoiled her to the point where she almost had forgotten what her mother and her had been through- how she was still only property in the eyes of the law. Hell, less than property.

Her eyes arose from the floor when the cell was opened by one of the officers.
"Come on." He said gruffly, grabbing her arm surprisingly gently once she got to the door. Probably didn't want to upset Laz.

Once they were in the front entrance of the police department, Y/N saw Laz... and he looked less than thrilled with his arms crossed giving her a pointed looked.
"She's all yours, Mr. Lazarus. Off the hook,
scot free." The officer said, handing her over before hurrying away.

Laz didn't look at the officer and only glared at Y/N. "Let's go." He hissed before walking away, his tone making her brows furrow.
"What the hell is your deal?" Y/N asked harshly, not liking how it seemed he was mad at her.
"My deal?" He snapped, the two leaving through the front doors. "My deal is you almost got yourself fucking killed!" He snarled, still walking, picking up the pace to the point where Y/N could barely keep up.
"Well that guy shouldn't have messed with us! We didn't start anything!" She exclaimed with clenched fists, before Laz abruptly stopped and turned around, looking at her.

"I'm not talking about the guy or whatever the fuck happened- that would've been a fucking death sentence!" He growled, pointing to the police station. "They would've executed you for hitting a creature like that! Do you understand how serious this shit is?"
Her eye twitched as he yelled at her. "What? You expected me to just get raped and beat? That's your fucking bright idea!? I'm going to fucking stand up for myself, no matter what the sentence is!" She retorted, glaring at him.

He huffed and rolled his eyes. "The point is- none of this would've fucking happened if I was there with you! You should've asked me to come!"
"I'm not your fucking pet to take on walks when you please, Laz." Y/N hissed, resisting the urge to punch him. His lip curled, showing off his sharp teeth.
"Well under the eyes of the law, you are!" He snarled like a dog.

Her eyes widened when he said that.
"Fuck you!" She yelled, stepping back from him, appalled he'd even have the nerve to say that to her.

He shook his head. "No, fuck you and your fucking recklessness Y/N. You could've been killed today and you don't even realize it." Laz growled in a more hushed tone.
She crossed her arms and looked away. "I'm not fucking talking to you."

He gave a frustrated snarl and turned from her, walking to the car before getting into the front seat and slamming the door behind him. After a few seconds, she followed, sitting in the back, not looking at him once.

    The two sat in pissed off silence the whole way home, once they parked, Laz didn't even wait for her.
   She followed him into the elevator, and the moment the doors opened, he stormed up the stairs to his room, not saying another word.

   Y/N took a breath, running her hand through her hair shakily, glancing to the living room where a harp made entirely out of glass sat. "Fuck." She whispered to herself, the gift making her want to cry. He must've gotten it for her while she was out.
  The h/c rubbed her eyes and took a few calming breaths, fighting the urge to break something or go up to his room and scream at him some more.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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