She's a Keeper

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"Come in~"

She gulped, immediately afraid again... but had no other choice than to open the door.
    The moment the patterned door was opened, smoke billowed out of the room, causing her to scrunch her nose on instinct, earning a chuckle. Hesitantly, she forced a foot through the door frame, stepping into the room.

"Well, don't look so stiff, come, take a seat." The man hummed, a clawed hand emerging from the thick smoke that shadowed his face, pointing towards the loveseat across from him. Though his hand was gloved, you could tell how extremely sharp his nails were as they poked against the fabric.
She gave a little nod, sitting down with that lovely posture. One leg over the other.
He was tall, she could tell. Big broad shoulders and black suit that stuck to his triangular frame.
Though she could not see his eyes through the smoke... she could tell he was looking at her.

The mystery behind what was in front of her did not intrigue her, it made her extremely uncomfortable... unease flicking at her heart.
Another girl started her act below, getting a heavy sigh from the man in front of her. He leaned forward slightly, pressing a button on the table; this caused the opening that looked down below onto the stage, to close, the room becoming soundproof.

"You look so tense love, please, sit back.. relaaaaax...." He cooed, easing into the back of his couch... causing her to stiffen more, the heavy sent of smoke not easing her anymore.
He sighed again. "Your performance was beautiful... I especially liked the loud note...~" He cooed, she could almost hear his smirk.

"A mistake from nerves, I promise you." The young woman replied with a nod, earning a deep chuckle.

"No no- that's what I liked. Something had bothered you, so you messed up as your mind wandered. I liked that. Makes you seem less..." He paused. "Porcelain."
Suddenly, his clawed hand waved through the smokey air, clearing it... at least so you could see his face.

It was... interesting, to say the least. His smile was sharp, and curled on the ends- reminding you of a Cheshire Cat. Two narrowed eyes stared at her,  entirely white, causing her to only feel more crushed by the weight of the stare.
    He was tall, too. Had to be nearing eight feet, if not that already.
The last discernible features were the two large, sharp horns protruding from the sides of his head.

Had she not hated monsters and was just sold to this one- she may have found the mysterious, classy aura- attractive. Even if he wasn't human. But, alas, there was no attraction towards what she saw as a vile beast.

"At least you didn't scream. I can see you sweating though, my dear." He snickered, adjusting the cigar in his mouth, relaxing back, puffing out more smoke, his skin matching the color of the polluted air.
"Ah- I apologize. I'm simply... nervous... I'll admit." She replied quietly, her hands crossing in her lap as she tried to relax and look more proper. He gave a nod to this, quite obviously looking her up and down... made her skin crawl.

"What did make you mess up that note?" He asked again, so curious over what should be a minor thing.
"Hehe- just nerves like I-" She tried to reply, being cut off.
"Honey. I saw the look on your face, even if just for a second.... Purreeeee... utttterrrr...." he leaned forward, placing his hands on his knees and blowing smoke into her face. "....disgust~" He cooed, smirking to her coughing from the smoke forced into her nose and mouth.

    She squinted her eyes, leaning her head back, coughing and waving smoke from her face.
"Oh sorry, I smoke from time to time~" He cooed, obviously mocking her. Her brows furrowed slightly, her teeth gritting.

She hated him. He was a prick.

His smiled curled. "There it is... your pissed I can tell~" He continued leaning closer to her, now causing her to press into the back of the couch, leaning away from him. "Be careful, don't lose it... who knows what I could do to yah... tsk tsk tsk~" His claw lifted her chin.... Her breathing picked up.

Don't... touch... ME.

Metal clicked as her robotic arm swung through the air, yanking his hand away from her with a firm grip, a full on glare casted over her beautiful features.
Before she realized what she did.
Her eyes widened, immediately letting go, distraught... oh my god...
I'm dead.
The room was silent, before he chuckled.

"Strong grip you got there." He snickered, placing a hand on the plushy couch beside her head. Her breath wavered in her throat, not understanding how she didn't get her arm ripped off.

"You're surely the fiestiest human I've ever met... Marie prides herself on submissive ladies... but you... heh..." Y/N couldn't lean back anymore now, that's how close he was. "She said submission... but your a whole different tune, arentcha? A horse with a free spirit. Nobodies broken that yet, hm?~" He cooed, very much enjoying her expression. She was so... Interesting to look at...
    Miss Y/N here is the first human he's ever bought, but has been with more women than he could count... still, though, he's never found someone interesting... they're all the same in one way or another. But this girl... this... Y/N... she's got fire... and he sure has a thing for fire.

    "I-I dont-" She stuttered, once again being cut off.
     "Oh don't stutter. I won't kill you, I promise. Tell me what your really thinking, darling." He challenged her... silence being his answer before she frowned.
     He wants an answer?
     I'll give him an answer.
     "What I really think?" Her e/c eyes locked with his, that meek nervousness gone and replaced with a deep, hateful rage. "I think, you're all repulsive, disgusting worms who deserve to burn in hell for eternity." She sneered... his eyes lighting up at the hateful words. "You all only think with lust and power, enslaving people to be toys... I hate you, all of you." She snarled, before snatching that damned cigar from his mouth, taking a deep inhale... and aggressively blowing that same disgusting smoke back into his wretched, horrific face; throwing the cigar across the room, leaving it smoking on the floor.

     "THATS what I think." She finished.
    Never had she gotten to say such venomous words, and especially never to a monster.
   But she kept her steel nerves glaring at him, not backing down like before.

    "My my my, do you have a snakes tongue....~" He hissed like a serpent himself, his grin stretching painfully large on his mouth. It was disturbing. "I'm going to like you... very much so..." He hummed, patting her cheek before finally sinking back into his seat.
"Beautiful... talented, bad ass, and a ticking time bomb of a temper... mmmmm..~" He practically purred, leaving the young woman to cringe in disgust. "You'll probably come to adore me soon enough, though, just you wait~" He showed off his ego, making her brows furrow.
"Ah! This is the part where you just nod your beautiful little head and say yes, darling~" He tilted his head with a smirk.

"...yes." She muttered.

{pic of what I imagine him like because my description was vague :0}

{pic of what I imagine him like because my description was vague :0}

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