Hangover Buddies

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         The next morning, y/n awoke slowly; comfy and warm. She yawned softly, snuggling further into the firm chest behind her.
Her eyes snapped opened, seeing the two gray toned arms wrapped around her. She looked back seeing the side of Laz's sleeping face.
With a startled gasp, she wriggled away from him, waking Laz up in the process.
"Oh my god-" She slightly panicked, her aching head trying to remember the events of last night.
Laz quickly sat up, realizing why she was now panicking and started to shake his head. "Y/N- nothing happened I swear-"
"You swear?!" She yelped, trying to asses her body, terrified that they had done it last night.
"Yes! God- I would never do that to you!" He exclaimed, starting to explain himself. "Just- last night, we came home and you wanted to sleep in here- so I agreed- and tried to get you into some clothes but you didn't want to. Then we layed down and- you- uh- kind of... cuddled up to me and I didn't want to move you so-" He shrugged, scratching the back of his head, done with his frantic explanation.

Y/N slowly let out a breath of relief, her shoulders slumping. She could barely remember coming in here and getting so undressed-
She looked down, realizing she was still in her bra and panties. Slowly, her face heated and she crossed her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes away. "Uhm-" She frowned. "Clothes. Please."
    He instantly got up, raiding his dresser before throwing a shirt at her. She caught it and pulled it over her, the size of it covering up her butt just fine. "Thanks." She mumbled, the ache in her head starting to become more prevalent.

    "I'm sorry," he sighed, "I shouldn't have let you drink that much- especially since it was your first time." He apologized, and she shook her head.
    "No, it was my fault. I should've been more careful." She replied groggily, placing her hand to her head.
    She nodded.
    "You stay right here, I'll go make you some breakfast- just rest." He said, before quickly leaving.

     Y/N smiled softly before getting comfy in his very large bed, finding it very charming that he wanted to help her hangover.

    When he came back, her eyes were closed, but she wasn't asleep, just shielding her eyes from the sun peaking through his curtains.
    Laz quickly noticed this and closed the curtains tighter, before coming over to her side.
    "Here, getting some food in you will hopefully help." He said in a hushed tone, not wanting to hurt her head more.

   Y/N's eyes slowly opened to a plate with eggs, bacon, and banana slices; Laz set a cup of coffee down on the nightstand. "Hopefully you like cream and sugar."
    She nodded and took the plate from him, the food making her stomach growl despite her now pounding headache.

    Laz smiled a bit awkwardly, before going to leave.
    "No-" She swallowed the eggs she had put in her mouth- "stay here, please." Y/N didn't really want to be alone and Laz is almost always great company, so she wanted him here. She patted the bed beside her for him to sit, and he complied, placing a few pillows behind him.
    "Is it good?" He asked, earning a nod.
    "I already told you, your cooking could get you married." She snickered quietly, wincing slightly from the pain.

He smiled and patted her leg softly, before looking away awkwardly.
"Would you ever wanna... get married?" He asked quietly and awkwardly.
"To you?"
"No!" He exclaimed, lowering his voice quickly. "No- just in general. You ever think you'll meet 'the one?'"

Y/N glanced over and then looked back to her food, before shrugging. "Well- I'm not sure. I doubt it. Marriage already isn't legal for me- plus, it's not like there's a ton of human guys around, nonetheless humans in general." She then looked to Laz. "And I'm gonna be with you for the rest of my life- well until you get bored." She snickered, but he frowned a little like that, not enjoying that she thought that he'd just toss her to the side.
"So probably not." Y/N finished before shoving food in her mouth. "How about you-?" She asked, mouth full.

He shrugged as well. "Probably not as well. I mean, my uh... job... makes that a little difficult. Kinda dangerous being involved with me." He looked over to Y/N. "And everyone already in the mafia life are the most insufferable people."
Y/N snorted with laughter. "I agree, speaking from experience." She nudged him with her elbow, making Laz laugh too.
She smiled- but it quickly turned to a cringe when pain shot through her skull and her stomach started to feel woozy from the food.

"I think I need to lay down..." She said softly, and Laz nodded, taking the plate from her so she could rest.
"Right. You get some sleep."
Y/N moved to her side, bringing the blankets up to her head and closing her eyes.
Laz went to leave but paused, leaning down and kissing Y/N's forehead quickly before rushing out of the room, closing the door quietly behind him.
She smiled.

{I know this chapter is super weird and short, I just didn't feel like it worked well being in the same chapter as the next 😭🙏🏻}

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