Best Served Cold

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He took her to an Italian place, and like the last store the owner came out and personally greeted Laz. He had money, but money didn't make people act like this. I mean, they treated him like he owned the place.

The two were sat at a nice table in the back, away from everyone else. In the middle of the table was a rose in a skinny vase beside a lit candle, the table covered with a white cloth.
The moment they were sat, a glass of red wine was placed in front of the both of them.
"Everyone treats you like a celebrity." Y/N commented, Laz shrugged while lighting a cigar. Her brow raised. "If you tell me that your a movie star or something, I'm going to spill this wine on you." She grumbled, making him laugh smoke out of his mouth.
She sighed before picking up her wine glass and swirling it a little... she had never drank before, Marie didn't allow it.
Carefully, she raised it to her lips and took a sip- before her face scrunched up in distaste, and she placed the glass down.
"Not good?" He asked, she shook her head.
"No. I don't know why people rave about it. That's nasty." She flicked the glass, causing it to make a sound.

He snickered, before taking a sip of his wine glass. Drinking and smoking? That must be great for him.
"The temptress in red not liking wine? Seems like some kind of sin." He chuckled.
"Mmm, well, 'the temptress in red' thinks it tasted like shit and doesn't understand why people drink it." She replied with air quotes.
"It's an acquired taste."
"Sure. Or, you burnt your tastebuds off with all that smoking you do." Y/N retorted, hoping not all alcohol tasted like wine. Then she really wouldn't understand it. "You know how bad that is for you, right?" She added, looking at him.
With a smirk, he tilted his head up and puffed the smoke into the air and thankfully not into her face like last time. "You sound like my mother." He cooed. "Gonna make me believe you care about me if your not careful~"
With an eye roll she shook her head. "No, I'd just rather you not have lung cancer four years down the road."
"My lungs are a lot stronger than yours, Y/N, I'm fairly sure I'll be fine." He hummed, taking another puff.
She shrugged with raised brows. "Mm... well, don't say I didn't warn you."

He snickered, shaking his head slowly; she always had to have the last word. But, he liked that about her.

Y/N looked back down at the menu... and bit her lip slightly. Though Marie had always given her good food, she never had many variations... and therefore she's never really had Italian. Her brows furrowed slightly, having to read the description of each one- and even then she didn't really understand a lot of the terms they used... but she had way too much pride to ask for help.

Laz noticed the look of confusion on her face. "You ever had Italian before?" He asked.
"Mmm- well... sorta..." She mumbled vaguely.
"....spaghetti." She admitted. That was all the Italian she had ever had.
Laz snickered softly, before scooting his chair to her side, and leaning next to her. "I'll help."
"I could've figured it-"
"I know, but I want to help." He cut her off, knowing she'd argue about not being clueless. Y/N just complied... actually wanting his help.

He leaned against her lightly, and started to point out the menu items. He explained what the different types of pasta and sauces were like as well as how they'd be prepared.
She listened closely, wanting to remember so she wouldn't be so confused later. Laz found it amusing that she was so focused, it was like he was her teacher; I guess in a sense he was.

Eventually, the waiter came back, seeming to be slightly uneasy because of Laz.
"I'll have the chicken pesto." He said, the waiter nodding. "And for her?" He asked, still looking at Laz... expecting for him to order for Y/N. Laz didn't speak and simply looked at Y/N, letting her do it herself. She glanced at Laz... actually kind of nervous, but shoved it down. Once again... she was given the freedom of choice and wasn't used to it.
"And I want the... uhm..." She looked at the menu once more. "The Carbonara. Please." She finished, closing her menu. The waiter nodded, and took their menus, leaving.

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