Party With Monsters

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      The day after the tea party, he had taken her dress shopping, as it was formal, leaving her with a long, elegant black dress with diamond straps and a slit at the thigh, the sides of it hugging her hips soundly.
    Looking in the mirror, she ran a brush through her hair once more, her makeup already finished, her dress and high heels on. With a huff, she left her hair alone, deciding she looked good enough before grabbing her matching purse (filled with only her phone and a tube of lipstick), and leaving her room.
"Laz! I'm ready!" Y/N called, shutting the door behind her, heading down the glass stairs carefully, not wanting to break her ankles in the tall heels she had chose.
Laz was standing near the door, dressed in an all black suit with a white tie, deciding to match Y/N. He looked over to her, a small smile creeping onto his face.
"Fuck red. Black is your color." He breathed, drinking in her figure in that dress.
"Every color is my color." She snickered, causing him to chuckle at her sudden ego, finding it very attractive.
"I'd say." He grinned, before pressing the elevator button; the doors opening immediately.

"You look stunning." He said in a softer tone, causing Y/N to smile slightly.
"Thank you. So do you." She complimented back, following him into the elevator.
Inside, his heart warmed from the compliment, glad she found him attractive- or at least well dressed.
He pressed the lobby button, the doors closing.

Y/N shifted her feet back and forth. "I'm... nervous." She admitted, worried for herself. She knew Laz could very well protect her... but in a room full of monsters? She wasn't too sure, and was scared of getting snatched before Laz could notice.
He shook his head. "Don't be. I won't let anything happen to you." Slowly, he looped his arm around hers, leading them out of the elevator into the lobby. "Just act like your usual self and try to have some fun. It won't be too bad," he then tapped his wrist with his finger, "plus, remember what I am?" He questioned, and she nodded. That's true... most probably wouldn't try to cross him not just because of the party rules, but because they'd also be in a world of shit with the Vindigos they did so.
"...I guess I'll have to trust you. Just this once." She said with a small smirk, getting into the limo that was already waiting for them on the curb.

     Like usual, the two sat in the back, Laz laying  his arm over the back of her seat.
     "I haven't been to a party before." She commented, wanting to talk instead of sit in a silent car.
     "Really? God Marie kept you on a tight leash."
     She shrugged. "Mostly because in our free time we'd rather not party. Or we just didn't have the materials." She looked over. "So even though I am nervous, I am excited."
     He smiled. "Good, you should be. You gotta buck up sometime little camper, I cant be hanging out with a party virgin." He snickered, making her roll her eyes.
"'Party Virgin?' Once again, you sound old." She snickered.
"I'm not old!" He laughed a bit, shaking his head.
"Well you sound like it." She huffed.

    The car drove through the dark city, neon signs and lights making the night not too dark. She was waiting to see a large building, a ballroom, art museum, something of the sort. Which is why she was confused when the car pulled up to the curb of a busted looking apartment building, no lights on inside, away from the lights down the street.
   "C'mon." Laz snickered when he saw the confusion on her face. He got out of the car and went to her side, helping her out.
     She looped her arm around his and followed, slightly worried he'd pull something like last time.

   The two walked down the decrepit alleyway, before Laz opened a side door- which led to... another door. She raised a brow and looked up at him, but he just smirked before knocking on the second, metal door.
   A slider at the top of the door opened, revealing the eyes of some creature. "Name." It stated gruffly.
   "Laz Lazarus." He said in return.
    Laz Lazarus? That's his real name?

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