Daddy's Money

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    Silence filled the car again, but this time, Y/N broke it.
  "Can... I know your name... without using my 'question token?'" She asked, looking at the dainty, painted red roses on her metal arm.
   He nodded. "My names Laz." He replied, before wrapping his arm around her and leaning in close to her face, tilting her head up with one finger under chin. "And you, my dear, are Y/N, the temptress in red~" He practically purred, causing her face to scrunch up in disgust.
"Uck- don't call me that." She growled, pressing her palm against his forehead and pushing him away.
He laughed a little and leaned back, leaving his arm back on the seat and not around her. Even if she did reveal some of her past to him, that didn't mean she wanted him anymore than she did... he knew she still hated him. But... that also didn't make him want her any less. He found    Y/N quite enjoyable, she was mean- he liked that. She didn't suck up to him, and wanted nothing to do with him- another thing that drew him to her. And, he's gonna be honest, the whole thing that went down in the vip room? Hot.
Of course, he kept these thoughts to himself.

   Eventually, they made it to his home, a big building surrounded by other business looking buildings, the nicest shops, and restaurants.
   "My penthouse is at the top." He hummed, pointing to the top of the building, where she could see a balcony- and what looked to be a hang-off-the-edge infinity pool.
    He got out of the car, offering her his hand. She gently took it and got out, her arm looped around his again, standing slightly against his hip- since he was that tall.

    "Of course you have a penthouse." She mumbled.
    "What? What's wrong with a penthouse? It's modern- and fun!" He grinned, walking her in.
    She raised a brow. "You sound 85 when you say it like that."
    He snorted in laughter; she may be a bitch, but at least she's a funny one.

Once they entered, the lobby was beautiful. Black marble with probably real gold accents. It looked like an art museum in its own.
The creature at the front desk immediately stood with the straightest posture Y/N has ever seen in her life. The multiple eyes on his head were half lidded, in a kind of way that would make you think his name is Alfred.
"Ah, welcome back Mr-"
"Yeah- Just unlock the elevator." Laz promptly cut the employee off, making Y/N furrow her brows. Jerk.
Laz immediately noticed her face due to his attitude towards his staff and gave a little inward sigh. "Please." He added.
This made her only slightly less opposed to him.

The front desk man tapped a few buttons, then looked back up. "It's ready for you, sir. Have a good evening." He gave a respectful bow of his head. Laz didn't reply to the words and started to walk off, so out of just general kindness, Y/N responded. "Thank you."
Laz raised his brow as they walked towards the elevator. "Where's that politeness for me?" He questioned.
"You don't deserve it." She said simply.
He smiled, looking back forward.
He really did like her.

The two arrived at an elevator with gold doors, another creature standing there just to press the button for Laz, but more so to body guard it from anyone else using it. It's the only elevator that went up to the top floor.
The elevator opened immediately from no one else using it, the two walking in, Laz pushing the button he needed.

"Tomorrow, we're going shopping." He hummed with a little jazz hand. Y/N only looked severely unamused.
"For what?" She asked a bit harshly.
    "For you, obviously. Your going to be living with me, so, I need to buy you clothes and things you like. I want you to be... comfortable." He said with genuine care in his voice.
    But, for Y/N, she found it slightly... degrading. To her it sounded more like he was buying toys and costumes for his new dog.
    She just nodded and looked to the side.
    He sighed, his smile fading. "Look. I don't think of this as a pet thing, and I'm never going to... that's... wrong." He explained; how does he always know what she's thinking? Is she that predictable?
   But... she appreciated what he said. With a small cringe of embarrassment, she turned her head from him. "Thank you." She replied softly, glad to not be... looked down on like that. She knew it wasn't uncommon for humans to be seen as such, she knew from personal experience.
    Though she still hates that he bought her...   Y/N could still appreciate the respect she was being given.

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