Chapter 7

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TW: this chapter has something that kind of feels like a panic attack around the end of the first scene

The sound of gunshots, of people screaming, everything went silent as I stared at Aleksander clutching his arm.

Even though every tear I had spilled on this ship was because of him, I couldn't stand the sight of him hurt. I loved him and that would never change.

My view widened and I spotted Alina and her gang not far away, running away towards the new ship.

All at once the sounds came back to me, the world moved at a normal speed. I could feel my heart ache as my eyes flickered all over the deck. Trying to see if Aleksander was okay, if Mila and Dimitri were okay. Sturmhond's betrayal and Anna's confusing words. Everything was too much.

The wind picked up. So much that people started loosing their footing on the deck. They were literately blown away. Some fell, while others just stumbled, before pushing against the wind. My Kefta and skirt flew in the strong wind, tangling around my legs and waist. But I stayed straight-up, not stumbling or falling. Even though every part of me wanted to collapse under the aching in my heart.

The sky filled with dark grey clouds. Water poured from them, hitting my cheeks almost painfully. The rain mixed with tears rolling down my cheeks. Lighting struck the waters around the ship. Thunder being a nearly constant sound in my ears.

The ship swayed dangerously side to side as the waves grew. Water spilled over the sides of the deck, wetting the bottom of my shoes. My thoughts were scrambled all over the ship, that I almost didn't realize.

Gunshots slowly stopped as people realized that every bullet that came out of their guns flattened before dropping to the ground, uselessly. The sound of metal hitting wood almost sounded like a melody in my ears. A very distant melody.

Fires started on the wet floor of the deck, making people scream and jump out of the way before they got burned. Before staring at them confused. How could fire start on a wet floor?

People were falling, slipping on the forever moving and wet floor of the ship. It felt like the earth around me felt my pain and reacted as if it could feel it as well.

Sturmhond's men were still trying to get on their ship, but with the violent waves, few actually made it on board, falling in the water instead.

My mind was empty. My thoughts having slowed until none passed my consciousness.

I suddenly felt a hand on my arm, slightly bringing me out of my dazed state. I turned my head to see Aleksander, still clutching his arm, staring at me with eyes full of concern. His hair was wet and sticking to his face because of the wind and rain.

"Anya, you need to stop whatever you're doing. You're going to kill all of us." He told me, clutching my arm.

My brows furrowed. I didn't want to kill everyone, but I didn't know how I was doing any of the things that were happening.

"I don't know how." I said over the howling wind in my ears.

"Just breath, Pchelka. You're fine. I promise." He said softly.

He pulled me to him, his good arm wrapped around my waist. His sent filled my nostrils, calming me down. He kept whispering soft, reassuring words into my ear, until the whaler stopped rocking. Until the violent winds stilled and the fires on the deck extinguish.

Once I was calmed down, Aleksander's finger hooked under my chin and lifted my face.

"See, you were perfectly capable of stopping." He stated. He tried to lift his hand to cradle my face, but flinched as pain shot up his arm.

Water and Shadows (Darkling x OC) (Shadow and Bone fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now