Chapter 5

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My white dress flared around me as I walked. I could feel the pins holding my veil in place on my head. My black hair cascaded down my shoulder in soft curls that must have been made with a curling iron, because my hair would never look this good naturally. A bouquet of black petunia's laid gingerly in my hands. My arm was intertwined with Mal's.

Wait, Mal?

I turned to look at he boy next to me. Yeah, that's Mal. He was wearing a stark blue suit, like the color of the summoner Kefta. I frowned, before shaking my head. Of course I'm walking with Mal. We've been friends ever since childhood. He's the closest thing I have to a brother. Of course he would walk me down the aisle.

The seats surrounding us were filled with people, some I knew, other I didn't. Some were looking at Mal and I walk, but most looked around at the greenery surrounding them.

I moved my gaze to the long aisle in front of me. My eyes immediately fell onto Aleksander. His black suit made stark contrast against the soft background of greenery. His eyes were softly looking in my direction, but not at me. I shrugged it off. He must be nervous. I couldn't say I didn't relate.

My eyes scanned over the rest of scene in front of me. The Apparat stood behind Aleksander, his usual beige robe draped over his figure.

I looked over at my bridesmaid, only to be met with confusion. Where was Mila and Anna? And what were Nadia and Marie doing there? Genya I could understand, we were kind of friends. But I had never really interacted with Nadia or Marie, those were Alina's friends.

I turned to Aleksander's side. His groomsmen made more sense.

We arrived in front of Aleksander and I let my worries slip away. Mal let go off my hand and went to stand behind Aleksander. I took his hands in mine, sending him a smile.

He frowned. "Anya, what are you doing?"

I furrowed my brows, before the sound of complete silence took my attention. Everyone had stopped talking, as I turned to look down the aisle. Alina stood there, a big smile on her face as she looked around at all the guests, whose eyes were practically attached to her.

My eyes grew wide as I shook my head. No, I'm not doing this.

My eyes shot open.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Saints, I hate these annoying dreams.

Annoyed and needing something to change, I got out of bed, not even bothering to look over at Aleksander. I immediately moved to the bathroom to get ready for the day.


I strode across the deck. For how far north we were, the weather today was surprisingly soft. The wind wasn't howling and the sea was calm.

But seeing how my emotions affected everything around me, that could very well change depending on how today went.

I stopped walking once I was on the other side of the deck, where it smelled considerably worse. A closed door stood in front of me, two guards on either side of it. They both stared at me, as I sweetly, but impatiently, smiled at them.

"Won't you let me in?" I asked, heavily leaning on only one of my legs.

"Do you have permission from the Darkling or Sturmhond?" One of them asked back, no emotion present in their voice.

I lifted up my left hand, an eyebrow raised. The guards shared a glance, before looking back at me confused, not understanding what I was getting at.

I pointed at the antler around my ring finger. "Hello?" I exclaimed, not understanding how someone could be so dense, or stupid. "I'm his fiance."

Water and Shadows (Darkling x OC) (Shadow and Bone fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now