Chapter 3

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TW: the last scene in this chapter has some light smut

A week later, we were still on the whaler and Alina was still unconscious. She was really taking her sweet time to heal and wake up.

I had spent my days hanging out with Mila and Dimitri while they were on break.

I would also go visit Anna in the infirmary every day. We would talk and she would show me some tricks on how to heal people even if you weren't a healer. She herself didn't even use her powers all that often. She preferred to use normal healing methods and only use her Grisha powers when she had to.

I also started training again. Sadly, Aleksander didn't have that much time for lessons, so most of the time, it was Mila and Dimitri who would coach me. Which improved my Inferni and Tidemaker skills, but not my Durast and Squaller skills. Those I had to practice with Aleksander or alone.

I had just finished a lesson with Mila and, after I hugged her goodbye, I made my way to Aleksander's office.

As I strolled upon the deck, the salty sea wind blowing all around me, I noticed two figures close to the railing on the other side of the ship. From where I was standing, they seemed to be standing pretty close together.

I frowned as I recognized Aleksander's dark Kefta and equally as dark hair. My frown deepened as I recognized the dark haired girl in front of him. Her clothes were worn and dirty.


Her back was facing towards me, but I could still easily recognize her. As much as I hated to remind myself, we were sisters after all. I would always be able to recognize her in a crowd.

The two of them seemed to be deep in conversation.

I slowly continued walking, trying to inconspicuously keep my eye on them. I would have thought someone would come and get me when Alina woke up. But then again, I never really said that I wanted that to happen, I kind of just assumed it would. But still, I was Aleksander's fiance and Alina's sister, I should be notified when she wakes up.

Alina seemed annoyed, as per usual, and Aleksander seemed calm. He said something, while he moved his hand to cradle her cheek.

My jaw tensed up and my eyes glared daggers at the two. A wave of jealousy, sadness and anger crashed onto me.

I looked so much like Alina that if someone would walk by them now, they would think it was me.

A big wave hit the side of the whaler they were on, making some water splash onto them. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face as his hand went back to his side.

He told her one last thing, before turning around and leaving. I quickened my pace to try and get to the office before him.

Once I arrived at the black door, I quickly slipped inside, careful to close the door behind me. I quickly sat down on the small sofa close to Aleksander's desk, trying to act as natural as possible, as if I had being lounging there for hours.

Not too soon after, the door opened and Aleksander walked in. When his eyes fell on me, they widened slightly.

"Anya." He greeted, surprised. "I didn't know you were already back." He said, closing the door and walking to his desk "How was your lesson with Mila?"

"Fine." I answered shortly, waiting for him to tell me about his encounter with Alina.

Part of me was ashamed at how quickly the jealousy had filled me when I had seen them together, but a bigger part of me just wanted answers and it wanted them quickly.

Aleksander hummed and sat down behind his desk, silently starting to work again.

I just stared at him incredulously. He really wasn't going to tell me? Not even mention it?

Water and Shadows (Darkling x OC) (Shadow and Bone fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now