Chapter 2

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The sky was darkening, as we walked on the docks, towards the whaler. Boats of different shapes and sizes lined the dark wooden docks. My black Kefta blew softly in the evening wind.

Aleksander and I were walking in the front of the group, my arm resting upon his.

"Do you know how safe the whaler is?" I asked, looking up at him.

A small smile graced his lips at my question. "Are you nervous, Pchelka?"

I thought about lying to him for a second, putting on a brave face and telling him I wasn't nervous at all. But I knew he knew me too well for that. He would see right through my lie before I had even said it.

"Very." I confessed, laughing nervously. "I've just never been on the True Sea before."

Aleksander squeezed my arm comfortingly.

"Don't worry. I have and I'm still here, aren't I?"

We arrived at the whaler. Two guards were standing next to the small bridge leading to the actual ship.

I carefully stepped onto the ship, clutching the railing. Aleksander followed behind me.

Once we were on the ship, he motioned for the Grisha behind us to bring Alina and Mal to their rooms. They quickly left, as a man came towards us. He was dressed as if he was about to step onto a stage and perform some fancy opera.

Aleksander smiled a the stranger and shook his hand.

"Sturmhond." He greeted.

Sturmhond firmly shook his hand. "General." He then turned to me and picked up my hand. "Miss Starkov." He bent down and placed a kiss on my knuckles.

I just smiled at him, not really knowing what to say.

"How was your trip?" Sturmhond asked, letting my hand go and turning to Aleksander.

"It was just fine." He answered.

"Let me give you a tour of this beauty." Sturmhond motioned to the boat we were on. "I'll lead you to your room afterwards."

Aleksander looked down at me, seeing if I minded or not.

I turned to Sturmhond and smiled apologetically. "I would love a tour, but there's some people I need to go find."

"Oh, of course. I will be seeing you tonight at dinner." He said, slightly bowing.

I kissed Aleksander goodbye, before leaving the two alone.


I wandered over the ship, walking as if any wrong move would make it tip over. I really didn't like traveling over water. There were so many people on this ship. Movement everywhere. It would be a miracle if something didn't break or tip over.

I looked around, trying to find what I was looking for in vain. This ship was just too big. I really should have asked someone where I had to go, before just leaving on my own. But now I was alone and already anxious enough. I wasn't going to ask someone and add onto my anxiety. I was sure I'd find it eventually.

I wandered some more, the cool wind blowing against my face.

"Anya?" I heard a familiar voice ask behind me.

I whirled around to see Mila and Dimitri sitting on the floor of the deck, cards in hand. They both had their blue Kefta's on, staring up at me in surprise.

There they were.

Mila had the biggest grin on her face as she dropped her cards and ran to me. I started running as well and we met each other half way.

Water and Shadows (Darkling x OC) (Shadow and Bone fanfic)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu