Breaking Dawn (part two) Ruby pov:

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"Honestly Alice you should have seen that coming." Seiya joked as everyone laughed.

Bella was now officially a vampire and Edward went I take her on her first hunt. She had been eager to see her daughter but Edward told her it's safer if she fed first which we all agreed on.

They had left out the upstairs window but not before Bella decided to make an alteration to the dress Alice had her in by tearing it, which Alice growled at  and had us all laughing a minute ago.

"She'll have to like it eventually. I stocked her closet full of clothes like that dress." Alice said in a smug tone and I laughed.

"Poor Bella." I replied smiling at my pixie like sister.

Everyone fonded over the baby as we waited for them to return. When they actually did, Jacob went out to meet them, since he was the only blood filled person here besides Renesmee, it was safer for her if they saw how Bella reacted with him first.

We all huddled around the baby as Rosalie held her and listened in case we were needed.

"Wow I can see what everyone was talking about. Jake you really do stink." We heard Bella say and Emmett laughed.

"He more than just stinks." Rosalie said as she looked down at Renesmee.

"I wonder how she'll react to Jacob imprinting on her daughter." I said crossing arms as I looked at everyone.

"I bet she freaks and kills him." Emmett said looking over to me with a grin. "Wanna wager that?" He asked and I raised my eyebrow.

"Fine. You're on." I say and his grin grew like he had a feeling he was gonna win. The thing is Bella never acts like we except her to so it was literally a 50/50 chance.

Jacob came back inside, going straight to the baby as Bella walked in holding Edward's hand.

Everyone commented on how good she looked and welcomed her to the family, as we all stepped back so she could get closer to Rose.

"Someone's been waiting to meet you." Carlisle said smiling at Bella as she looked at Rose and Jacob. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around Seiya's waist. The only time these two were untied, was when they were trying to protect Renesmee.

Renesmee squealed happily at seeing Bella and reached her little arms out towards Bella. Bella stood there as she stared at the four month size baby.

"It's okay." Edward said to Bella, kissing the side of her head. At Edward's encouragement, Bella stepped forward and reached for the baby.

Bella took her in her arms and held her as Renesmee smiled up at her. The baby reached up, touching Bella's cheek like she had been doing to all of us since she's been born.

"What was that?" Bella asked.

"What did she show you?" Esme asked.

"Me. But I looked terrible." Bella said shaking her head.

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