Breaking Dawn (part one)

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Ruby pov:

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Ruby pov:

"Hey Edward do you mind if I come with you tonight?" I asked walking into the living room where he , Emmett and Jasper were surrounding a checker board.

Emmett looked up from the board , shocked. "But you're a girl."

"Woman." I corrected, squinting my eyes at him. Sometimes Emmett was so annoying.

"Yeah so wouldn't you want to hang with the other-"

"Nope I rather go hunting." I say cutting him off.

"Ruby you're the weirdest woman I've ever met." Emmett Joked and I rolled my eyes turning to Edward , who was smiling amused.

"Yeah you can come Ruby. I don't mind." Edward said smiling up at me.

"Seriously Edward? She's going to-"

Going to what?" I heard Seiya's voice as she came in the room with a book in her hand, looking at us curiously

"Tell Ruby that she shouldn't come with us tonight because it's only for guys." Emmett replied and I crossed my arms, annoyed.

"Why can't she come?" Seiya asked.

"Because this is a guys hunting trip." Emmett said like it was obvious.

"Em I thought you was a little more evolved than this. It's just hunting." She said exasperated.

"Yeah but-"

"Edward said I could go already." I cut Emmett off, looking at my girl.

"Really? Then there's no problem. Have fun." Seiya said kissing me before walking in the direction of our room. I turned back towards them, to see Edward and Jasper trying not to laugh, while Emmett looked shocked and I smirked.

Later that night we was supposed to be heading on our hunting trip by then but Edward was still at Bella's house,so we decided to meet him there.

"Doesn't he know he's not supposed to see the bride before the day before the wedding." Emmett said joking as we ran towards Bella's house.

"You probably saw Rosalie before yours too and I also don't think you saying that right." I joked, laughing and Jasper joined in.

"Actually Rose is pretty serious about those types of things, so no I've never seen her before the wedding." Emmett told us as we ran.

"Don't you mean weddings." I joked and Jasper laughed again.

"Whatever Ruby." Emmett said with an eye roll and I smirked.

"I'm just messing with you Em." I say as we arrived to Bella's house. We could see her bedroom window open and Emmett jumped to her window asking for Edward to come out or we'll come in after him. We heard her ask Edward will there be strippers at his bachelor party.

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