Chapter three Ruby pov:

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I was halfway to my house thinking about earlier. How she leaned over, close enough that we could have kissed and I let my mind imagine what that would feel like?

"Hey babe, come over here and talk to me for a second!" A man with scruffy hair and a beard, wearing a leather jacket pulled me out of my thoughts as he looked at me with a lustful look in his eye and a smile that made my skin crawl. A shiver went through me as I turned away and kept walking, ignoring the guy's calls. I crossed over two blocks before looking behind me, feeling like I was being followed, to see the same man walking behind me. I quickened my pace and reached my hand into my bag, wrapping it around my can of pepper spray. I was still a few blocks from home but I didn't want this guy to see where I lived. So I turned down an alleyway onto another street. I looked behind me to see him still in the distance, and walked another block before turning down  another alleyway.  My goal was to hopefully loose him in one of these streets or alleyways so I could run home.

I turned down another alleyway and came to a stop because I was at a dead end. "Shit!" I cursed, staring at the brick wall ahead of me.

"You're quite fast aren't you?" The voice said behind me and I turned around to see the guy blocking the only exit.

"I have a gun so back off." I said ,my hand still in my bag.

"Then take it out and shoot me." He said smirking, raising his hands up challengingly as he continued walking towards me, and I took a step back towards the wall behind me.

"You don't have a gun do you?" He said stepping closer and I stepped back again until my back hit the wall.

"What do you want? Money?" I asked trying not to sound as afraid as I was. I was trying to distract him long enough to think of a plan to get away.
Now I wish I stayed the night at her place.

"I dont want your money. I'm interested in something else baby." He said and I suppressed a shudder of disgust. Asshole.

"I'm not your baby and I'm not interested."

"Aww let's play nice. We can have some fun together." He said taking a few more steps closer. I stayed quiet this time and just watched as he came close enough. Before he could do anything else, I pulled out the pepper spray and sprayed him in the eyes, as he cried out in pain. I then kicked him as hard as I could in his leg before I attempted to make a run for it. He somehow managed to grab my leg before I could get to far and I fell down with a grunt. I attempted to kick him away but he was faster and held on tighter to the point where it actually hurt and pinned my  both my legs down as he managed to climb over me, and pin my arms down.

"You just couldn't play nice could you?" He grunted out as he tried to unbutton my pants and I attempted to fight against him, but he was pressed more of his weight on me to the point I could barely move and he covered my mouth with his hand before I could yell for help. I felt my pants loosen, when all of a sudden I thought I heard a growl. Another second later I felt his weight leave my body and in one blink he was gone. I heard a muffed yell and quickly sat up looking around. On the wall where I was previously leaned against was the man pressed up against it with his feet dangling in the air. A hooded figure holding him there.

"Who are you! Put me down-" the man yelled before his words choked off. I watched , shocked as the figure leaned close to the side of his head. A minute later, the man began trembling and I watched as the figure stepped back and loosened their grip on the man.

"Go." I heard the figure say but the voice was low enough that I couldn't tell if it was man or woman. The man took a few steps towards me, bent over and gathered the stuff I dropped before walking over to me and handing me my bag.

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