New moon

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(Ruby and Seiya's hair for this chapter)

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(Ruby and Seiya's hair for this chapter)

Part one: Seiya pov

"Didn't Bella say she  didn't want a party?" Ruby asked as she strapped her watch on her arm before sliding her arm inside a blue suede suit jacket.

"Yes she did but you know how Alice is and we never get to celebrate any birthdays since no one ages." I replied , fastening the straps on some heels.

I stood next to my mate  as she checked her outfit in the mirror before looking at me. "You look handsome my love." I say wrapping my arms around her waist and kissed her lips, making her smile.

"I prefer hot or sexy but thank you." She replied smirking. We were now considered seniors along with Jasper,Alice and Edward. Rosalie and Emmett had their graduation last year. It was still early in The middle of the new school year and we were having semi decent weather which was rare for Forks.

Ruby had changed her hair since she could no longer get Tattoos to express herself. It was now currently brown and brushed into a boyish style that reminded me alittle bit of Edward but better.

"Well you're those things too." I say running my hands over the front of her chest on down until I felt her tight butt in her jeans and she raised her eyebrow at me for a second before looking back at the mirror.

"You can always show me how sexy I am later in bed." She said making sure the  button cuffs of her jacket sleeves were straight. I barked out a laugh, not believing how confident she sounded in herself. She's become more confident in herself than when I first met her and I loved it. I remember she used to be shy and unsure of how beautiful she was. I know now she thinks she's beautiful because of what we are but to me she's always been that way, there's no difference. Maybe now it's just immortalized.

I grabbed her hand, and kissed it. "We have to be downstairs now." I say and we both left the room. When we got downstairs, we waited with the rest of our family as Bella was pulled from in by Alice with Edward following behind them with a small smile on his face. Alice had bought Bella a beautiful dark green dress to wear for her birthday, which highlighted her brown haired and eyes. Although when Alice gave her the present  at school earlier today ,she wasn't happy but now she's seemed to love the dress just like Alice knew she would.

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