Chapter four Ruby pov:

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After that night and over the last few days, since the incident, I've tried to put it behind me. I couldn't shake the feeling that this was all wrong. That something about how I was saved wasn't right. I know I should be grateful that I was saved period and I was, but I just needed to make sense of how I was saved.

The next day had I got up an hour earlier, not that Ive had a good sleep anyway and I went back to the alleyway  and just stared, hoping something would pop out at me that I might have missed or over looked, That could help me understand what happened. I wish that person who saved me had stayed so I could have thanked them properly. I looked over the small area until I spotted something silver and shiny on the ground. I picked it up, examining it to notice it was a little heart charm that was  familiar. I've seen it before but I can't place where right now.

I placed the charm in my pocket and made my way to the coffee shop, hoping Seiya was there. When I got there I look around to see her perched in her usual spot.

I smiled at seeing her unbelievably beautiful face and quickly made my way over to her, wanting to be with her but also eager to tell her what happened to me last night. Maybe she could help me make sense of what happened. "Hey." I replied as I sat down, sitting my stuff next to me.

"Hey." She replied, smiling at me, looking me over before tilting her head curiously.

"You seem nervous. Are you alright?" She asked me with a concerned look on her face. I let out a sigh to prepare myself.

"So something happening to me last night when I left your place." I told her.

"What happened?"

"Well I.... was attacked, but I'm fine now." I quickly reassured her from the alarmed look on her face. "Someone saved me." I told her still in awe  and shocked.

"Really? Who?" She asked, looking surprised and I just shook my head.

"I don't know. I couldn't see their face but it was amazing. Almost like a super hero." I chuckled at the thought.

"Super hero?" Seiya said doubtfully, raising her eyebrow.

"Well maybe not a literal super hero. I know those don't exist." I paused with an eye roll and smiled. "I wish you could have been there. It was so fast and so surreal. I don't know what would have happened if they hadn't saved me." I tell her shaking my head as I thought about it again.

"Then you were really lucky. I'm just glad you're okay. You could have been really hurt." She said leaning towards me across the table with a relieved smile on her face, and I copied her. I want to hold her hand that was laying free on the table but I wasn't gonna make that move until I knew she wanted it.

"Me too. I wish I saw their face so I could thank them face to face." I said.

"I'm sure they know you're thankful." Seiya replied.

"But why did they hide themselves?" I mused trying to understand the behavior but I've never been a person to understand why people do any of the stuff they do, especially to each other.

"Maybe they didn't want to be seen, but what about the person who attacked you. Did you see their face?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Did you report them to the police?"

"No they ran off after apologizing to me." I told her rubbing the back of my neck. Seeing that man tremble in fear and apologizing made it hard to hate what he tried to do to me.

"Well you should still go tell. Who knows how many people he's hurt or will hurt." Seiya said frowning at me, like she disapproved.

"I know I should but I don't even care about the guy anymore. My hero, whoever they are seemed to have scared the crap out of him." I chuckled humorlessly. I almost pitied him.

"Well good for them but it still seems like you're letting the guy off easy to me." Seiya said and I nodded.

"Yeah maybe I am. I should have took your offer to stay the night at your house." I said jokingly and grinned as she smirked at me.

"Yeah no kidding and next time I'm gonna drive you back home. We shouldn't take that chance again."she replied as her smile grew. Her eyes soft in the light. How can she look so extraordinary beautiful. Like a painting or sculpture come to life. Living and breathing art. "You can also stay over anytime. The offer is always open."  She told me and  I smiled in thanks.

We were both quiet for a moment staring at each other before she looked away and I watched as she rolled up the sleeve of her arm. My smile faded as I noticed  the silver charm bracket with charms on it.

"Did you always have that?" I asked pointing at her wrist with the bracelet on it.

She looked at it and nodded. "I've had it for years. One of my best friends gave me it for my 18 birthday. It's one of my most cherished possessions." She said staring at it as she rubbed her fingers over it gently. While she spoke I reached my hand in my pocket and pulled out the charm under the table, looking at it before looking at the bracelet again.

It looks the same, but it can't be.... Because if it is then that means....
I gasped.

"Ruby?" I looked up at hearing her voice to see her looking at me concerned. "Are you alright?" She asked me.

No I'm not. "Actually I just realized I have to be at work early today, but I'll talk to you later." I say quickly, gathering my things and getting up. I didn't even bother to wait for her to respond. I just left, I needed time to think.

After work that day I made my way to my apartment and sat down on my couch, feeling a little dizzy at the sudden realization. Could she really have been the one to save me? I thought about the way the figure looked last night, their size. It didn't look like the size of a man so it had to be a woman.

The person didn't speak, which was odd. Most people wouldn't do that especially when just saving someone's life. Unless they had something to hide. But why? Why couldn't she just show herself to me if it was her? And how did she do it?

I thought about that as I realized I wouldn't get the answers I want until I speak to her. I need answers. I grabbed my phone and called her number, only for it to go to voicemail. I pursed my lips before I grabbed my  jacket and purse before I headed out the door.

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