Chapter one(Ruby pov)

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Port Angeles, Washington

I need coffee.... I couldn't help but think as I huddled in my jacket to stay warm as I walked on the snow covered sidewalk, passing people who looked just as cold and tired as me. Or maybe it was just the weather. As usual Port Angeles was was cold and rainy, with semi warm summers and icy winters. So most people were in winter coats, scarves and gloves. While huge plowing trucks were shoving the snow off the roads so people could drive to work.

I was currently on my way to work but I was thinking of stopping to get a coffee since I left my apartment early. My job was a thirty minute walk from my apartment and I didn't have a car currently, but I didn't mind walking to much, it gave me a chance to exercise.

There was a coffee shop a few blocks from my job, where I worked as a fashion editor. It was only a part time job since I was in college to study in Fine Arts. When I was accepted to go college in Port Angeles, I was so excited that I didn't even care about the weather difference. Now that I think about it, I should have considered other options but all I saw was an opportunity to leave Australia.

I wanted a fresh start away from the same neighbors who saw me grow up and the kids I went to school with. Since the United States is called the
land of opportunity, I leapt at the chance to leave. The only downside is that I had to leave my Mum behind and I did miss her.

I stepped inside the coffee shop,thinking about how I had to do a few modeling jobs as a teen, which helped me pay for college and helped me land this job. Luckily I also had a bit of a fashion sense to help and pretty enough face to model. If you ask me, modeling is to much work, I have no idea how the professionals do it. Plus I can't do it now anyway, not with my tattoos covering me. I much rather act,at least with acting you can be someone you're not for a little while. Since I worked for a small fashion magazine company, my boss was pretty lenient with me being a college student. I'm still consider trying to apply to a college someplace with a  warmer climate, even though I'm halfway through it, so it would be a waste of money to move now. I look at my watch as I waited in line to order. I had  an hour before I had to be at work so I could at least enjoy some time to myself and enjoy my coffee in a warm building.

I ordered and paid for my coffee and looked around for a quiet corner I could sit at when I saw her....

She was sitting in a corner booth by one of the back windows, reading a book and wearing leather black gloves  with a brown long sleeve sweater that looked soft and expensively made. There was a cup of coffee sitting untouched on the table in front of her.

It took me a minute to realize I was gapping at her in awe, and I quickly shook my head and found a table and sat down. I sipped at my coffee and tried to focus on anything else, but my eyes kept wandering back over to her . Her dark hair framed around her face like a silk curtain along with long eyelashes, and full lips. There was  a faint dark circle under her eyes like she had a few sleepless nights. She also had pale flawless skin that looked like it would be smooth to the touch.  As someone who works in editing fashion magazine spreads, she would easily be considered a model more than I ever did, and I have no doubt she would be on the front cover. I couldn't really identify the color of her eyes but they appeared to be a really dark blue,bordering on black.

As I observed her out the corner of my eyes while drinking my coffee, I noticed she never looked up from her book. It was as if she didn't notice the other people around her, including the few  male gazes admiring her on occasion and even a few women, like myself. She must be used to it, looking like that. I couldn't help thinking and at that moment, she looked up and caught my eye and I quickly averted my gaze down at my coffee. I could feel my body heating up, and I knew it wasn't just from the coffee. All of a sudden  it felt like I was in high school all over again and I was crushing on the most popular girl in school, knowing that she was out of my league. Just when I thought being an adult would end that kind of thing.

Just to find youNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ