Anna and Sturmhond were standing behind one of the white beds. Anna was leaning against the metal foot board, while Sturmhond was standing in front of her, arms crossed. His feet stood on either side of hers, their faces not even a ruler apart.

As they both looked at me, I took a step into the room, my hand landing on the open door.

"Am I interrupting something?" I asked, apologetically. I was prepared to just leave the room and come back in like ten minutes if that's what they wanted.

Or maybe I could stay away longer. I mentally added a 'wink wink', before suppressing a smirk at my own thoughts.

"No, it's fine. He was just leaving." Anna said, turning her head back towards her captain, a knowing look on her face.

"I was?" He asked, turning back to her, bringing their faces back to their previous proximity.

"You were." She reiterated.

He frowned, pushing his bottom lip out. He leaned down, before rethinking his action and pulling back. I faintly heard him whisper something to her, to which she shook her head, before he walked to the door. He sent me a smile and a dramatic bow, before leaving the room.

Once he was gone, I turned back to Anna, who was already back to work, cleaning up beds.

I smirked as I sat down on one of the empty beds. It was pretty early in the morning so no one was in the infirmary. The crew usually got hurt later in the day.

Anna turned to me and stopped what she was doing when she saw the smirk on my face.

"What is it?" She laughed, crossing her arms. I could still see the jar of herbs, that she was about to put away, in her hand.

"What was that about?" I asked, nodding towards the door Sturmhond walked through a few seconds ago.

"Nothing." She said casually, turning around.

My mouth fell open in surprise. "Saints, you like him." I said, pointing an accusatory finger at her.

"Anya, how could you suspect such a thing." She gasped, fainting annoyance. "He's my boss. The captain." She put the jar on a shelf, keeping her back facing towards me. I could hear the, almost mischievous, smile in her voice.

"Okay, and? Your point?" I asked, furrowing my brows. Aleksander was technically also my superior, and we were engaged. If they both liked each other there was no reason for them not to be together.

"He would never go with someone like me." She chuckled, avoiding my gaze.

"I would dare to disagree." I scoffed. Had she ever looked into a mirror? Or realized how amazing of a person she was? "When I was walking with him yesterday, he talked about you."

"Really?" She turned back towards me, hope on her face.

"Yeah." I nodded, excitingly. "He seemed pretty smitten, if I say so myself."

"Saints, what did he say?" She asked, leaning against the shelves filled with medical supplies. She sounded as if I had just told her I had walked in on someone else. As if we weren't talking about her.

"He said I resembled you. That I handled a situation just like you would. His eyes were twinkling when he talked about you. I swear, they were practically heart shaped."

Anna seemed amused and a bit annoyed. I was about to open my mouth to ask her why, when the familiar voice of Mila interrupted me.

"Help." She exclaimed as she walked into the room, her arm wrapped around Dimitri's waist.

Water and Shadows (Darkling x OC) (Shadow and Bone fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now