Author's note

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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu dear readers!

We've finally reached the end of another short book. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Before we proceed, don't come at me for killing his Abdi :') I was sad about it too.

Also I wanted to give a little back story behind these letters because the entire book consists only of letters with no other narrative.

1. The letters are written with a span of time between them. They are not consistent. The first letter being written when the boy was six years old. And as it keeps going, the time span increases between each letter. Initially, it's a difference of months and later it becomes years.

2. You can notice his growth through the letters. Although I have not specified his age in any, there are subtle hints in them to indicate how old he could be while writing those letters.

3. His mother had actually gone on a vacation. But it wasn't really a vacation that the boy thinks it is. She was sick and had been away with hopes of recovery but she knew she might not return. Which she didn't. Hence why the boy initially thought that she was on a vacation because it's half truth.

4. There are actually only 12 letters written by the boy throughout his life and the 13th one being his Mother's.

I think these are it. But if you all have any questions, feel free to comment them. I'll clarify it In Sha Allah.

I'm also working on a another book, it will be a short story yes, but the chapters will be longer. I'm not sure when I'll publish it, or if I ever will but I thought I'd let y'all know :')

Lastly, Jazakallahukhair to those who've made it this far. I really appreciate you sticking with the book till the end. ♡

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