Lt. 10

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Dearest ummi,

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Dearest ummi,

I'm all grown up now you know. Not the 'I can tie my shoelaces' type. I'm grown enough to understand that my letters probably never reached you. Grown enough to know that this is no vacation. But for some reason, I'd still like to believe that and keep on writing.

Ummi, the other day I was walking by the park and I saw a beautiful butterfly. Remember the story you always told me. About how the little baby caterpillar struggled to turn into a butterfly because he was too afraid to accept the fact that he must cocoon himself. He was too afraid of isolation and couldn't accept the fact that in order for him to get his wings, he must first go through difficult stages. He was fine with just being in the company of other caterpillars.

Guess what ummi?

That caterpillar has finally turned into a butterfly. He learned to accept the isolation, the difficulties and the harsh reality. Maybe because he was left alone after the other caterpillars flew away.

Maybe it taught him that in life,
everyone leaves.

And he cannot be the only one standing in one place as everyone around him walks away. Like everyone else, he too must move on.

So you can be at peace now ummi.

The caterpillar you always told me about has finally learnt to fly.

Your dearest son.

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